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How do I Clear Error Messages on my Brother Printer?

Printer Support Plus
How do I Clear Error Messages on my Brother Printer?

How to Clear Error Message on Brother Printer?

If you want to clear the error message on Brother Printer, first you’ll have to know the reasons why the error message is occurring. If you want to resolve this issue, first know the sole reason why your Brother Printer is showing an error message on its screen.

No worries, the points below will help you with the topic of error message showing on the Brother Printer and how to clear the message from your Brother Printer in a hassle-free manner;

Why the Brother Printer shows an error message?

The reasons why Brother Printer shows the error message are stated below;

Connectivity: One of the sole reasons is connectivity, check whether or not your printer is connected properly.

Network: Check the connection of your printer if it has the full connection on it or not.

Low Ink: Sometimes, the Brother Printer shows error due to low ink on its machines as well, if it is less on the cartridge, it tends to show an error message.

Stuck Paper: Check whether or not there's paper stuck in the printer. If there’s a paper stuck, it will showcase an error message on the screen of the printer.

How to Clear the Error Message?

The points given below will help you on this topic to clear the error message;

  • Press the power off button till it switches off.
  • Once it does, remove all the cables from the socket and from the printer as well.
  • Wait for a span of 20 seconds.
  • After that plug in the cables to the printer and the socket.
  • Press the power button, till it switches on.
  • It will be showcasing the time and date on the screen of the printer.

In this way, with the help of the given points, one can easily resolve the question of How do I troubleshoot my Brother printer? In a hassle-free manner and can continue using their Brother Printer efficiently.

Printer Support Plus
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