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Crowdfunding Script | Gofundme Clone | Fundraising Software

Logicspice Software
Crowdfunding Script | Gofundme Clone | Fundraising Software

Readymade crowdfunding script to develop fundraising software for crowdfunding platform. Make your own Kickstarter Clone, Gofundme clone at affordable cost, like GoFundMe and Kickstarter.

CrowdFunding PHP Script can be used by any creators like artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, developers, writers, painters, poets, gamers,etc to create their projects and get funds. Fundraisers can add collaborators and Backers can backed for projects.

Crowdfunding Script Features :

Using our Crowdfunding Script, Users will be able to create there own project as to get funds. User will have several categories to select in order to create their project. Fundraisers can add collaborators on their project. Investors can also see the list of their backed project on which they have invested their funds and made payment via integrated payment gateway.

What does our Crowdfunding Software do for you ?

Raise Funds For Creative Projects !!!

Our Crowd Funding Script enables you to get started with your own Crowd Funding website similar to KickStarter & GoFundMe. Our Script is highly scalable, robust and user-friendly.

The product that we have developed is easy to use platform for your crowdfunding application development requirement and could be used for multiple areas of Arts, Comics, Dance, Design, Fashion, Medical, Volunteer, Education etc. The User who want to get fund on their project can select from multiple categories like Artists, Musicians, Filmmakers, Designers, Developers, Writers, Painters, Poets, Gamer, etc.

Using this Crowd Funding PHP Script, your website users can create projects and get funding from the investors. Fundraisers can add collaborators on their project. Investors can search for projects. Investors can view the project details and contact the project creators. Users can view blogs over the site. If investors feel to invest on the project, they can fund the amount on the project and the payment gateway will process the transaction on the solution.

Considering Ease to Use, Cost Effectiveness, Great Features, Security, It's the best and worth choice to start with LS Crowdfunding.

Use LS Crowdfunding script for building your fundraising software !!!

LogicSpice offers CrowdFunding Software that enables you to manage your investors for your projects through an automated online platform. We help you in creating your own CrowdFunding software. Our Readymade CrowdFunding Script helps you to launch this CrowdFunding Software in a quick time.

Logicspice Software
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