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PHP Shaadi Clone Script | READY MADE SCRIPTS

Readymade Clone Script
PHP Shaadi Clone Script | READY MADE SCRIPTS

PHP Shaadi Clone Script | READY MADE SCRIPTS

Matrimonial sites square measure fashionable in India and among Indians settled overseas. Our PHP READYMADE SCRIPTS PHP Matrimony Clone Script is one of the foremost powerful scripts to run an adept Matrimonial portal site. It provides a complete Matrimonial status answer for Matrimonial status agencies. PHP Shaadi Matrimony Clone Script is that the Best, Fastest, and secure ASP script for Matrimony Websites. transfer this Clone Php Script and begin your own matrimony website. PHP Shaadi Matrimonial Clone Script is that the best web-based Matrimonial application by DOD IT Solutions that stands new with its structure highlights and membership plans.

It exhibits an easy technique to seek out coordinates effectively, while not obtaining exhausted, simply by swiping. it is time you keep in mind some of those propelled highlights for your application which will amplify the consumer commitment of your wedding versatile application. PHP Shaadi Matrimony Script status code permits automaton and iOS users to access the code by incorporating easy-to-use options which may be used simply on each automaton device and iOS and save time. PHP Shaadi Matrimony sites alter users to register and transfer info to the matchmaking information maintained by the corporate. Naturally, the users searching for matching profiles with associate optimized search interface square measure offered way more choices to settle on from. This typically includes position, geographical location, age, gender, religion, and race.


Smart Search Profile

Basic Profile details and Partner Profile details

Unique Design

SEO-friendly URL for each Profile!

Photo Approval Feature

Keyword search and City search

Membership Features


Quick Registration

Member Registration (paid or free)

Browse categories that are sorted by region, community, religion Basic search on the homepage

Advanced search with additional parameters

Static information pages

Recent Profiles Module on Homepage


Membership Info

Manage membership account info

Order details

Change partner profile

Edit own profile

Upgrade Profile

Upload Photos (multiple)

Protect Photo

Contact Details:

No.79, Ramakrishna Nagar,



620020, Tamilnadu

Mobile : +91 7339131505

Landline: 0431 - 4000616

Email: support@doditsolutions.in

For More: http://phpreadymadescripts.com/

Readymade Clone Script
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