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Some ideas for developing matrimony website

Some ideas for developing matrimony website

Are you thinking about making a matrimonial website, then I want to share some ideas with you

When you decide to make website of matrimony or on any subject UI plays very important role here,

UI should be very attractive and user friendly. It helps to grab user attention. When we think about matrimonial site then you must have simple but attractive or catchy logo.

Home page header section includes logo on left most corner, contact number and mail facility. On home page, you can give login and signup tab and nav bar which includes About Us, Search, Membership, Success story and Contact Us tabs. In Next section you can give demo search for getting idea about our website to user. You can add some introducing profile of groom and bride like Today’s Performer. You can display some wedding pictures and write some quotes or information about your website. You can add success story examples. If you have android app of your website then you can share it here. In Footer Section, you can add here Google map of your company address so user can easily get address of your company and if you have business accounts on social media then give some link on here like Instagram, Facebook, twitter, etc.

About us page contains company related information like who is founder? When company established? And you can also share work experience here. It includes other fields like FAQ, company policy, terms & condition of company.

Search page provides search facility to user. Here also give simple search facility and if user completed his/her registration process and successfully login process, then gives advance search facility. Here you can get full information of groom/bride.

You can add membership plan page, it contains membership plans information and payment information.

In Success story page includes success story of groom and bride, customer can share story of their successful marriage stories. 

In contact us page, customer can easily communicate with owner. User can ask query/problem to us.

After successful registration, user can go for login process. After login successfully then user complete their profile. User can edit their profile also. You can add matches and according to user preferences. User can find their someone special like daily matches, premium matches, etc.

Here you can add one tab like My Activity to show user’s activity .It contains information related to self-activity like my viewed profiles, My connected members ,Viewed contact list, I have block or sending request to profile,etc. You can another tab like Other Activity which includes information about other user like who viewed my profiles? Who shortlisted me? Who connect me? Interest Received.                                     

Here you can add some chat box application so groom and bride can communicate with each other.     You can add Payment tab which includes offers and invoice of membership plan .Here you accept online payment. Last but not least it is one of the important tab Helpline to solve some issues occur in website.so it include customer care contact and email address.

So this way you can design your own matrimonial website which is attractive and user friendly also. Hope so it will help you, Thank you..!!!       


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