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How to buy handcrafted Longboards with the best design?

How to buy handcrafted Longboards with the best design?
Looking to buy handcrafted Longboards to roll down the streets? If you are, then you need to choose the best-handcrafted Longboard with a precise design. Now, you must question, what role do design plays in a skateboard/longboard? Well, physics is behind everything. And it plays a vital role in your skateboard skill as well. 
So, in such cases, if you want to buy handcrafted Longboards, you need to choose the design that will suit you the best. So, here is a guide that will help you buy the best handcrafted Longboard.
How to design the best Longboard for you?
If you are designing a Longboard for yourself, you need to come up with a design that best suits you. So, here are some determinants that you must consider.
Longboard deck size 
Choosing the deck size is an essential part of every skateboard performer. If you are choosing a Longboard, you must ensure the deck size somewhere around 33 to 38 inches. It is an ideal size for small and medium-sized longboards and offers better handling to new learners’. So, if you are creating your own customized longboard, you must ensure the size of the deck board from 33 to 38 inches.
Longboard material
Now, imagine you are cruising down the streets and your longboard suddenly breaks apart. It is evident that you will lose your control, and can meet serious accidents. So, in such cases, you need to find an efficient material for your customized Longboard. Carbon-fiber, Maple Bamboo-Hybrid, along traditional bamboo are some of the best materials to create your Longboard.
 Longboard size to consider
Longboard size also plays a vital role. Usually, the Longboards come in three different sizes. So, you need to choose one that suits you the best. The sizes include Small-length Longboards, medium-length Longboards, and Long Length Longboards. If you are a beginner, you must select the Small-length to learn new skills. The smaller one would be more seamless to control.
Wheels that are ideal
Now moving on to the most crucial part of a Longboard and that is Wheels. Wheels are that essential part that helps you control and roll down the street without any hassle. The ideal wheel size for a longboard is 2.5 to 4.2 inches. This will help you gain better balance as well. Besides, the size, you should also consider the material. You should never go for a cheaper wheel componenDesign and graphics
If you are customizing your own Longboard, graphics and design is also an essential aspect. There are designs like fish-tail design, pin-tail designs, and many more. So, you must choose the one that suits you the best. The same thing goes with the graphics as well. Choose a graphic that stands out from the crowd before you buy handcrafted Longboards.
In conclusion, this is all about buying the best handcrafted Longboard. If you are looking for the best quality of customizable Longboards, you must visit Special Boards-the leading name in customizing LongBoards.
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