Trade shows are a wonderful opportunity for you to network, stay in touch with your market and get more customers to your door. If it’s your first time to join one, though, you’ll want to learn how to make the most of this opportunity. The fees don’t come cheap, after all, so you’ll want to do whatever you can to boost your business with the rentals you got.
Know What You Want
Not all trade show display rentals hit the mark, so you want to pick one that best fits your needs. To do that, you need to be clear about what you want out of the booth. What’s your goal? Think about the end result you wish to achieve. Is it to increase press coverage? Are you attending the event to improve engagement with your target market? Knowing your goals will help you figure out which rentals will be perfect in terms of achieving the outcome you want.
Offer Demos
Interaction is one of the biggest reasons why people get drawn to a certain business or booth. When you shop around for rentals, pick one that can provide you with enough space to perform demos by your team. The right structure can make it easier for your staff to make on-the-spot presentations to potential clients. Keep that in mind before you choose a rental.
Look at Features
When you pick a booth, consider the features that they come with. Some have interactive displays, or at the very least, are designed to accommodate or support these features. With a booth that factors in the needs of your team, your equipment, and more, you’ll have a much better chance of standing out from the rest. You’ll be able to build better engagement with your consumer market.
Pay Attention to Details
It’s important that your booth works together with your brand. How do you deliver a powerful impact to your audience on the floor? You’ll need to think about several things. For instance, your theme. The design of your booth should factor that in and even blend in with the theme. Giving freebies are also a good way to garner some attention. However, make sure the freebies are also connected to your core business. If it’s just a freebie for the sake of giving away free stuff, that might not be the best way to generate consumer engagement, especially if they’ll forget your business or what it’s about just because the freebie has nothing to do with the products or services that you offer.
Check Reviews
Don’t forget to check out the reputation of the company behind the booth. What do other customers say? Are they happy about the quality of the booth and displays? What issues did they encounter?
Explore Your Options
Browse through all the rental options available to you. Which one suits your needs best in terms of size and cost? Is it available for the dates you need it? Who will assemble and dismantle the booth? Ask all the questions you need before you pick a rental.