Trading software enables users to connect with multiple exchanges, and professional exchange software can deliver the goods. Binance Clone Script has all the high-end trading tools to manage everything within your screen. No need to worry about searching the web and looking for separate platforms. Binan can easily manage them, and here are the features we offer our clients:
- Made of hybrid javascript for web/Android/iOS devices
- Responsive and modern architecture and user interface
- Compliant with TSlint
- Can handle global error
- The app comes with a notification plugin
- Different trading options such as trade limit, buy limit, order cancel, and order booter
- Features crypto coin listings
- Separate order page
- Separate order history page
- Comes with different balance page
- Exchange page enables the user to set API, or secret exchanging.
- Can set the current exchange program
- Supports almost every crypto coins for trading
- Different manual options for implementing trading strategies