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Things to keep in mind before using farm machinery!

Things to keep in mind before using farm machinery!

In modern agriculture, lots of farm implements are very useful for the farmers such as combine harvester, rotavator, plough, seeding machines, Landscaping, Haulage, cultivator and crop protection etc. By using this agricultural machinery, farmers can reduce the time of farming work and also reduce the labour cost. Although there are few things to keep in mind before using farm machinery. Let's know about that thing to keep in mind before using farm machinery:

1. Read and follow the instructions in the machine manual.
2. Follow state government rule while using farm machinery
3. Always keep your machine well maintained.
4. Wear dress according to farm work
5. Make sure you are energetic
6. Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages
7. Fixed all equipment accordingly
8. Always make sure that children and animals are away from the work area while operating the machine.

For More Visit: https://agri-news-nearby.blogspot.com/2021/06/things-to-keep-in-mind-before-using.html


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