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Things to know about Brush Cutter Machine

Kisan Kraft
Things to know about Brush Cutter Machine

A brush cutter is an effective agricultural tool used to cut weeds, harvest crops, trim small trees and other foliage. Brush cutter machine has various types of blades like tap and go, two-point blade and three-point blade that can be attached to the machine for specific purposes.

Brush cutter consists of an engine that is held close to the body, and a pole with driveshaft is provided to transmit the power to a rotary cutting head, which is fixed at the opposite end of the pole. Other parts of brush cutters are brush cutter blade, trimmer head, brush cutter shaft and handle.

Brush cutter is very effective to cut through overgrown brush, congested brush and hard part of trees where larger machines can’t enter.

Brush cutters have a specific cutting region, which means you should start to cut the vegetation from a specific direction. Insert the blade into plants slowly so that the head is pressed against the material. Don’t use chopping motion while cutting plants, machine may get damaged and stop working.

Brush cutters have various types of blade attachments that help you to cut several materials. In any case, the blade’s life depends upon what you're cutting and how regularly. For instance, in case you're working as often as possible in rough zones or slicing through hard branches or stems, you may need to change or sharpen the cutting blades every day.


KisanKraft Brush Cutter:

We have two stroke, four stroke and shoulder mounted brush cutters. You can find various types of blades like tap and go, two-point blade, three-point blade (pointed and standard), heavy duty TCT saw blades, thick and slim blades, TCT and non TCT saw blades.

Different blades are used for different crops based on the number of teeth on the blade:

  • 120 teeth blade is used for harvesting wheat, maize etc., we also provide a paddy guard to make a uniform row while cutting to ease collecting crops.
  • 40 teeth blades are used to cut two-inch plants.
  • 60 and 80 teeth blades are used for fodder.

We also have Paddy Weeder attachments to remove weeds after one month of transplanting paddy. Hoe cutter attachments are also used to remove weeds in vegetable crops.

Visit our website to find various brush cutters: https://bit.ly/2kTL4YM

Contact us by giving a missed call to 0767 606 5555. Follow us on social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube.

Kisan Kraft
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