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Moov Supply Chain Management - Vendor management in China

Moov Supply Chain Management - Vendor management in China

Your China-EU Logistics And Supply Chain Expert

MOOV signifies our ability to get things done, no matter how big or how small the challenge. Our company was born from a 100+ year heritage and later rebranded as an exciting, modern and capable spin-off to help facilitate your business between China and the World.

We utilize both Dutch and Chinese strength and expertise to successfully implement customized logistics solutions for our global clients.


MOOV offers a variety of tailor-made services, able to solve every concern your business might experience. Whether you want to expand your business at home or overseas, our expert service guarantees a friction-less supply chain across the globe. Interested? View our service in detail below.


MOOV your reliable logistics supply chain service provider



Freight forwarder, as an essential link between the manufacturer and the consignee, is also called the middlemen. The freight forwarder accepts the entrustment of the consignee and consignor of import and export goods and handles international cargo transportation(by air, ocean, train or truck.) and related business for the consignee from one place to another one.


ocean shipping service


Ocean shipping service to achieve point-to-point transportation;



Railway service


Rail services are characterized by low-carbon and MOOV owns the right to operate the entire train;


trucking service


New energy trucks are also environmentally friendly;


Air freight service


Air freight service guaranteed Speed. MOOV service ensures timely and reliable intermodal logistics by providing fully tailored solutions. In your supply chain, not every product has to arrive at the same time. Take advantage of transit time differences between different modes with our MOOV service and prevent additional costs.


Warehouse & Trading service


At MOOV, we understand that every supply chain has unique requirements. Whatever your needs, our warehouses and services have it covered. With our extensive network and capabilities, there is always a solution available with less cost involved, shorter transit time and reliable delivery.


The MOOV Control Tower


The MOOV Control tower simplify collaboration and communication, with all accurate information in one location. All parties receive an overview and notification in the event of anomalies or possible problems. It improves planning and structuring data, which can improve the performance of your supply chain or business.

MOOV is not afraid of any challenges and promises to guarantee high quality service and results.


Business name: MOOV Vendor management in China

Add.: Room 2102, No. 568 HengFeng road, Henghui International offices, Shanghai

Tel.: +86 (0)21 5255 0789

E-mail: MoovMarketing@moovlogistics.com

Website: https://moovlogistics.com


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