What is React JS?
React js is usually called React. It is a javascript library used for creating a hierarchy of UI components, that is, rendering UI components. It provides front-end and server-side support.
Setting up React JS Development Environment
To run any react js application, we must have Nodejs installed on our PC. So we have to proceed through the step mentioned below:-
NodeJS and NPM
NodeJS is the platform needed for the development of ReactJS. You may visit the official download link of NodeJS to download and install the latest version of NodeJS on your PC.
After successfully installing NodeJS on your PC, we start installing ReactJS upon it using npm. You can set up the ReactJS environment in two ways:
● By creating react app using boilerplate command
● By using Web Pack and babel
Who we are to write about React Js Development
We are a full-service Technology Design & custom software development company located in Noida, India. We help companies solve problems and achieve their business goals by providing them with custom software solutions. We have highly talented and energetic developers, architects, and testers, all recruited through an exceptionally tenacious process.
Original Source:- React JS Web Development Company