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Top Long Island Immigration Lawyer Carmelia Taylor

Carmelia Taylor
Top Long Island Immigration Lawyer Carmelia Taylor

Top Long Island Immigration Lawyer Carmelia Taylor  Esq. Was born in New York to Barbadian and Trinidadian parents. She lived in Barbados in the early years of her life, where she attended elementary school. Carmelia fondly recalls all the trips her family had to make to the immigration law office to support other family members with their own challenges. As a child, she set out to one day help her family members and anyone facing similar challenges. She achieved her goal when she helped more than 10 members of her family with their naturalization matters. And it has exceeded its goal of helping numerous families solve their deportation, naturalization, employment, and asylum problems. Ms.Taylor served on numerous executive boards, including those of Jack & Jill of America, Incorporated, and The Links, Incorporated. Currently, he provides community service and pro bono work at FamilyTies of Westchester County, New York. She taught Immigration Law at LehmanCollege.

Carmelia Taylor
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