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A chain block is an essential tool that can be utilized to lift heavy loads.
In this article, we have mentioned some do’s and don’ts that one should pursue while using a 1-ton chain block.A chain hoist be it a manual chain or electric hoist such as a 1-ton electric hoist is the crucial component for any industry and when you purchase the right one as per your requirement, it is advisable to use it with utmost caution.
A 1-ton chain block is robust lifting equipment and a solid investment for your operations.However, most business owners make some common mistakes that put anyone and the equipment itself at risk.Below in this article are some enlisted mistakes that must be avoided, they are:-OverloadingThis is a common mistake that a person tends to make.
For example, they exceed the maximum capacity which not only leads to unsafe operating sites but also irreparable damages to the hoist, hook, etc.ModifyingPeople make alterations to the chain block or any other lifting equipment such as 250 kg electric hoist, thus voids the warranty given by the manufacturer.
This can put the life of the workers who are working near this equipment in danger.
The manufacturer built the chain block in such a manner that can easily and safely lift the loads as per the working load limits.Chain twistingSo when you make modifications, this results in chain twisting.