League of Legends (LoL, as called by cool kids) has become a really famous video game over the last few years since its release (2009). It is an online battle arena video game for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS and played by multiple players. Other famous video games like DOTA or Defense of the Ancient and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne were the inspirations of this game. Microtransactions support this game, and it follows a freemium model.
And here is an ultimate guide for beginners who have an interest in League of Legends or LoL. So, let’s begin.
A player of this game assumes the role of a “summoner” and controls a “champion,” which possesses an exceptional ability. Champions battle against a team of other players or computer-controlled champions. The prime goal is to destroy the “nexus” (a structure secured by defensive structures that lay at the core of the base) of the opposite team. However, different game modes exist too.
Each match of LoL is unique as all champions start off weaken. But they boost in strength through accumulating items and experience throughout the game. The setting of the game and champions blend varieties of elements that include high fantasy, steampunk, and Lovecraftian horror.
But to begin the battle and fun, the first thing you have to do is creating a league of legends account. Get more info in the upcoming passages.
This 3D and 3rd person MOBA or multiplayer online battle arena video game comprises three modes known as battlegrounds or “Fields of Justice.” Those are as below.
- Summoner’s Rift
It remains the battleground of choice for the majority. There will be 2 items and 5 champions. The battle runs across 3 lanes and an expansive jungle that holds the most objectives and powerful buffs.
Each team destroys the structure of the opposite team by defending its own structures. Check out the structures below.
Each team must defend its own structures and destroy the opposing team’s structure. These structures include:
- Turrets
- Inhibitor
- Nexus
- Jungle Monsters
- Elemental drakes or Elder dragon
- Rift Herald
- Baron Nashor
- The Twisted Treeline
It is the second “Field of Justice,” which features 2 lanes with 3 champions. Players start the battle with higher starting gold totals than the first ground of battle. And this results in rapid engagements and frequent fights. There is a centralized jungle between every lane that holds altars, which are capturable to inspire frequent ganking and battle for neutral objectives.
- Howling Abyss
All Random All Mid (a popular community game mode) had inspired the third ground of battle in the League of Legends game, Howling Abyss. This battleground features 2 teams and 5 champions where everyone is battling over one lane. This mode does not provide healing, and shopping for objects is highly limited to periods after the death of the champion. This arena pushes violent, high-intensity gameplay that focuses on team fights.
You can buy your league of legends level 30 accounts from LoLEpicShop. There is more to know and learn about this battle game. It will get easier as you create your account, and step by step, reach the battleground.
Source: https://lolepicshop.com/an-absolute-beginners-guide-to-league-of-legends/