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Rahu in 12th House for Sagittarius Ascendant

Nanobot Solutions
Rahu in 12th House for Sagittarius Ascendant

The Rahu in 12th house for Sagittarius Ascendant is used for determining travel or residence in foreign lands. There is an attraction among young men/ women to settle abroad. In astrological terms having to move away from the birthplace, for whatever reason, is considered an inauspicious result.

The placement of Rahu in this house is not a very good sign for expenses and finance related stuff. It leads you to overspend. These expenses will all be unseen and unaccounted for. Also, you will face a lot of trouble due to these expenses. Now the 12th house also indicates our repressed passions. But because it is the 12th there will not be a conscious attachment to these comforts. The need is on the sub-conscious or spiritual levels, possibly that is why it is said to represent ‘secret pleasures’. 

Nanobot Solutions
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