Download WhatsApp fmwhatsapp is a version of the original WhatsApp developed by the developer “Fouad” who made a modified version of the WhatsApp fm application, you can download it now!
And he modified several features and added several services to which many people who use WhatsApp a lot and suffer from the rules and laws imposed by the official WhatsApp application on users, which make them feel bored and frustrated as well, for these reasons WhatsApp fm was developed and updated
The latest Android version you can download with one direct and fast link at the bottom of the topic.
Although there are a large number of programs similar to the FM WhatsApp application, this application has several features that are not found in any other application, with the exception of one application, which is GB WhatsApp, which competes with FM WhatsApp, but each program has touches that distinguish it from others and Make it loved by users, if you use WhatsApp frequently or on a daily basis, this application will help you to control several things and make voice and video calls, group calls and many more features that we will mention to you in the next paragraphs, link to download WhatsApp Fouad below.
Why should you download fm whatsapp whatsapp fm against ban
Many people find great problems in communicating with friends or family one by one, as sometimes the user does not respond to one of his family members because he is speaking in video calls or voice calls, which makes his friend feel very sad, but with this The application can make one group video call and chat with all family members and colleagues at the same time, without having to make a call to each one of them, what are you waiting for, download whatsapp fm
and you will be able to communicate freely without paying any monthly subscription .