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Website Development: 5 Technical Aspects You Should know

Adil Sardar
Website Development: 5 Technical Aspects You Should know

There are a lot many things that make up a website. There are some technical aspects and then there are some non-technical aspects such as the functionalities, navigation, coding, user-friendly designs, responsiveness, and so on and so forth. Web designers and developers work together to deliver the final product. 

Having said that, online presence in today’s digital era is of utmost importance. You simply can not not have an online presence and expect people to know you anyway or about your products or services. If you want to have a competitive advantage in the market over your competitors, make sure to have a website among other things. No matter how big or small your business is, having a website is a must. Some may feel that developing a website is a daunting task but trust me once you have built it only then you will know that it was totally worth it. 

As far as the development itself is concerned, if you don’t have the right talent or the set of expertise and skills you need to get your website out there. The best step forward is to outsource web designing and development services. It not only saves time but also is a very cost-effective solution. Moreover, no need to spend hours on hiring, training, and recruiting people when you have a ready-made solution available in the form of outsourcing. 

With that being said, there are a number of technical and non-technical steps needed to build a website and to ensure successful delivery. By following these steps you are delivering a winning product, and maximize your return on investment. In this blog, I will discuss some technical website development aspects that you should consider, so let’s get started. 

What is Website Development?

Website development is the process with a set of activities and tasks included in creating a website - a fully functional product. 

Why is Website Development Important?

  • Having a website is important for brand awareness. Brand awareness on the other hand is crucial if you are new in the market. 
  • Additionally, through your website, customers can leave their feedback and reviews, so that in the future you can improve your products or services accordingly for higher customer satisfaction.
  • A website helps greatly with carrying out marketing activities and campaigns. If you don't have a website running ads for web traffic and lead generation becomes impossible. 
  • You can get as many email subscribers on a daily basis as you want through newsletter sign-ups. These emails can help you with marketing, saving additional marketing costs in the process.
  • Online presence in the form of a website makes your brand credible, reliable, and trustworthy. You can hire web designing and development services to help you achieve that. 
  • Furthermore, you can improve your communication with your customers. Plus they can easily connect with you whenever needed through 24/7 web support. 
  • You can generate traffic and leads through your website blog. Plus, blogs can greatly help you in familiarizing your audience with your products. 
  • You can offer referral programs and discounts directly through your website, which can make your customers keep coming back for more.

Technical Aspects of Web Development that You Should Know 

User-Friendly Design 

I can not stress enough the importance and benefits of a clean, simple, and minimalist design. Besides, minimalist design is trending nowadays. Also, your web design should be visually appealing, consistent, intuitive, and most importantly highly responsive. The images and text should not overcrowd the web page, instead, they should attract and woo your web visitors. Make sure to offer your users a quality and unique design that makes them stay on the web page for longer or else it may negatively affect your web bounce rate, which as a result impacts the Google ranking and web health altogether. Use trendy color schemes, but not too bright. Your font styles should compliment your layout. 

Seamless Navigation

Smooth navigation is critical to the success of your web design. Because complex navigation tends to frustrate web visitors. But if you wanna generate leads and profits then make sure your navigation is not confusing your users or else they will immediately leave and may never come back. Make your all-important pages grouped together in the navigation bar given at the top of the page, pages that are not so important should be in the footer, and also make sure to use the sticky header. Clear call-to-action buttons such as contact us, sign in, sign up, free trial.. all should be visually prominent. 

Loading Speed

Many companies tend not to pay any attention to the loading speed of the web landing pages. Which is very wrong. Consider this - you are visiting a website, you clicked on the link, it just keeps on loading but wouldn’t load the page, plus the page is glitchy, what would you do? Would you wait hours for the page to load or leave? Yeah, I thought so too. Because that’s exactly what I would do, I would leave without a thought and may never come back again because I won't feel the website to be reliable anymore. Now you know the importance of web page loading speed, right? Need I say more?


Make sure your website runs on different browsers and on different devices. Yes, it’s a fact that the majority of the people around the world now access websites and online stores through their mobile devices but still, there are several people, even small groups, who use browsers to shop. I do, too sometimes. So it's important you do not ignore the minority because they can still be your long-term, returning customers. Make your design super accessible to everyone equally. 

Online Security 

To want your website to rank on Google. Yes, SEO always helps but you know what else does? A well-secured website. Make sure you have a security certificate for your website so that it doesn't appear to be harmful. An SSL certificate is an online security protocol that protects your website and its users. Because customers do not want to visit a site that may jeopardize their personal or credit card information. After you have developed your website, run penetration testing through multiple angles to ensure the safety not only of your business but also of your customers. 

Have no idea where to start? Contact a web designing and development services provider with all the help you need to kick start your online business. 

Adil Sardar
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