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Future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Tech-World

eeba mak
Future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Tech-World

Do you ever wonder how day-by-day there is innovation in the digital industry? How you get everything done by just using your phone? Well, the answer is Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is known as the intelligence displayed by machines. In the world of today, artificial intelligence has become highly popular. It simulates the natural intelligence of machines designed to learn and imitate people's actions. These machines can learn and carry out human duties given experience.

As technology like AI keeps growing, it will have a huge impact on our quality of life. It is only natural that everyone nowadays wishes to connect to AI technology, whether as an end-user or as an artificial intelligence professional. In a few years, artificial intelligence has become a phantasm of fiction. Machines that might feel like people were a great plot for an exciting story. However, in recent times, the future of Artificial Intelligence has been changed from fiction to reality. People in their daily lives use AI technology, which has somehow become an intrinsic part of their everyday rits. You carry AI into your everyday routine by asking Alexa/Siri to give you the time to plan their next food delivery.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a young 60-year discipline that involves a series of studies, theories, and techniques aimed at imitating the cognitive skills of a person. Including mathematical logic, statistics, probability, computational neuroscience, and computer science. Its development which started during the height of the Second World War is intimately tied to the development of computing and led to the performance of increasingly complicated tasks by computers.

However, in the precise sense that the names are accessible to critique by certain experts, this automation stays far away from human intelligence. The ultimate step of their study (a "strong" AI, i.e. the ability to contextualize many disparate specialization problems fully autonomously) ("weak" or "moderate" AIs, extremely efficient in their training field). The "strong" AI, which only materialized in science fiction, would require advances in fundamental research (and not merely increases in performance) to represent the complete world.

Between 1940 and 1960, there was a significant connection between technological breakthroughs (whose accelerator was the Second World War) and a need to understand the way machinery and organic entities work together. The aim was to bring together mathematical theory, electronics, and automation as a "complete control and communication theory, both in animals and machines" for Norbert Wiener, a pioneer in cybernetics. Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts had just before produced the first mathematical and computer model of the biological neuron (formal neuron) in 1943.

At the start of 1950, the AI term wasn't created. John Von Neumann and Alan Turing were the founders of the technology behind it. They made a shift from computers into decimal logic of the XIX cent (which relies on Boolean algebra, dealing with more or less important chains of 0 or 1). Thus, both researchers codified the architecture and proved that this is a universal machine capable of carrying out the programming of today's computers. On the other hand, Turing asked in his famous 1950 paper, "Computing machines and intelligence" for the first time about the intelligence that might arise from a machine. He also described an "imitation game" in which a person could distinguish whether he speaks to a man or a machine in a teletype dialogue. However problematic this piece may be, it is commonly referenced as a source of questions concerning the boundary between the human and the computer, yet it doesn't seem to qualify to many specialists.

Although the technology is exciting and promising, its popularity decreased at the beginning of the 1960s. The machines had extremely little memory, and the use of a computer language was quite difficult. But some underpinnings, such as solution trees to problems, are still present today. The LTM (Logic Theoretical Machine) software, the IPL, was used to show mathematical theorems as early as 1956. In this way, information processing language is possible. Economist and sociologist Herbert Simon in 1957 predicted that in the following ten years, the AI will be able to hit a person at chess, but that thereafter, the AI would enter the first winter. After 30 years, Simon's vision was right.

Herbert Simon's 1957 prophecy 30 years later, however, did not support the funding and development for this sort of AI was successful in May 1997 with Deep Blues (IBM expert system) for chess versus Garry Kasparov. The Deep Blue operation was based on an algorithm based on systemic brute strength, which assessed and weighed all feasible motions. The human defeat has been immensely symbolic in history, but in actuality, Deep Blue has only managed to handle a limited perimeter (that of chess game rules), which is far from being a model of the world's complexity.

This explains two factors. First of all, access to huge volumes of data first and foremost. For instance, it was necessary to sample it personally in the previous years to be able to apply algorithms for image categorization and cat recognition. Today millions may be found in a single search on Google. Then the discovery of the highest efficiency in the computation of learning algorithms of computer graphics card processors. The process is quite iterative, and the complete sample could take weeks before 2010. The computer capacity of these cards has made substantial progress with a minimal financial cost, which can handle over 1000 billion transactions per second (less than 1000 euros per card).

This new technological equipment has led to several notable public achievements and increased funding: in 2011, Watson, IBM's AI, defeated two Jeopardy champions. Google X (Google's search lab) distinguished cats in videos in 2012. This last operation required more than 16,000 processors, but the potential was enormous: a machine learns to discern between things. The European champion (Fan Hui) and the world champion (Lee Sedol) were defeated by AlphaGO (Google's AI specialized in Go games) in 2016.

Expert systems have undergone a complete paradigm shift. The technique has shifted to inductive: instead of coding rules like expert systems, computers are now able to discover them on their own through correlation and categorization, based on large amounts of data.

Deep learning appears to be the most promising machine learning technology for a variety of applications (including voice or image recognition). Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto), YoshuaBengio (University of Montreal), and YannLeCun (University of New York) decided to start a research program in 2003 to modernize neural networks. Hinton's image recognition team produced similar findings.

Overnight, a big number of research teams switched to this technology, which has undeniable advantages. This form of learning has also permitted significant advances in text recognition, but specialists like YannLeCun believe that text understanding systems are still a long way off. Conversational agents are a good example of this problem: our smartphones can already transcribe a command, but they can't completely contextualize it or evaluate our intents.


Building an AI system is a painstaking process of reversing our features and talents in a machine and leveraging its computing prowess to outperform our abilities.

To fully comprehend how Artificial Intelligence works, one must first learn about the numerous subdomains of AI and how those domains can be applied to various industries. You might also enroll in an artificial intelligence school to obtain a thorough understanding of the subject.

  1. Machine Learning (ML) is a technique for teaching a machine to make inferences and conclusions based on previous experience. It recognizes patterns, analyses previous data, and infers the meaning of these data points without relying on human experience to draw a decision. This automation of reaching conclusions by analyzing data saves firms time and allows them to make better decisions.
  2. Deep Learning is a machine learning technique. It trains a machine to classify, infer, and predict outcomes by processing inputs through layers.
  3. Human neural cells and Neural Networks both work on the same principles. They are a set of algorithms that capture the relationship between various underpinning variables and analyze the information in the same way that a human brain does.
  4. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the study of machine reading, understanding, and interpreting a language. When a machine understands what the user is trying to say, it reacts appropriately.
  5. Computer vision algorithms are understood by breaking down a picture and studying certain elements of the objects. This allows the machine to identify and learn from several photos to better decide the output based on previous observations.
  6. Cognitive Computing: cognitive computing algorithms attempt to imitate a human brain in such a way as to provide a person the desired result.


Digital existence increases human capacity and interrupts the eons-old activities of human beings. Code-based systems have extended environmental knowledge and connectivity to more than half of the world's population, bringing previously unprecedented possibilities and risks.

Would individuals be better than they are today when developing artificial intelligence-driven by algorithms continues to spread? It is not the future of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. It is already here.

AI is in our pockets, via smartphones, with voice commands and a finger click. You can discover it on computers that can match your CV to a job post or your social partners' dating profile. And conversation bots, social media feeds, and driving applications are navigating, leading you on your journey home. AI has a long history but was mainly found in simple technology, such as an anti-lock brake system for a car or a coffee maker set for a timer. Now, artificial intelligence performs more sophisticated functions such as fashion rating or producing coffee when daylight is felt.

While many people attribute the emergence of AI to technological development, Natarajan gives the drive to the availability of knowledge. You can create algorithms that learn from large volumes of data when you have lots of data. The rise in the field of deep learning, a class of algorithms that have an endless ability to learn from ever more data, has enabled professionals to create things.

While AI is here now, it may also be able to predict what will happen in the future. Deep data analytics techniques that scan social media feeds may be able to anticipate whether governments would fall. The flow of traffic in hospital parking lots can be used to predict when a flu outbreak will hit your area.

Artificial Intelligence is likely to have an impact on many industries.


With the introduction of self-driving cars and self-navigating navigation, we can already see how AI is influencing the world of transportation and autos. AI will also have a significant impact on production, especially in the automotive sector.


Many corporate leaders are concerned about cybersecurity, especially given the expected increase in cybersecurity incidents in 2020. During the pandemic, attacks increased by 600% as hackers targeted people working from home, less secure technological systems, and Wi-Fi networks. AI and machine learning will be important technologies for detecting and forecasting cybersecurity threats. AI and machine learning will be important technologies for detecting and forecasting cybersecurity threats. AI will also be a valuable asset for financial security, as it can process vast volumes of data to predict and detect cases of fraud.


The potential benefits of using AI in medicine are already being investigated. The medical industry has a large amount of data that may be used to construct prediction models for healthcare. Furthermore, AI has been demonstrated to be more effective than physicians in specific diagnostic scenarios.


In the future, AI will play a critical role in all aspects of e-commerce, from user experience to marketing to fulfillment and distribution. We can expect AI to continue to drive e-commerce in the future, particularly through chatbots, shopper customization, and image-based targeting advertising, and warehouse and inventory automation.

Job Search

AI is already playing a significant part in the hiring process, with up to 75% of resumes being rejected by an automated applicant tracking system, or ATS, before they even reach a human being.

Previously, recruiters had to spend a significant amount of time sifting through resumes to find qualified applicants. According to LinkedIn data, recruiters can spend up to 23 hours reviewing applicants for one single job.

Resume scanning, on the other hand, is increasingly being performed by AI-powered systems. In 2018, 67 percent of hiring managers reported that artificial intelligence (AI) was making their jobs easier.

The evolution of Artificial Intelligence systems has far-reaching ramifications for civilization as a whole. It is important to consider how policy difficulties are addressed, ethical dilemmas are resolved, legal realities are addressed, and how much transparency is required in Artificial Intelligence and data analytic solutions. Human decisions about software development influence how decisions are made and how they are integrated into organizational processes. The specifics of how these processes are carried out must be better understood because they will have a significant impact on the general population in the near future.

Artificial Intelligence could usher in a new era in human affairs, becoming the single most impactful human innovation in history.

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Author's Bio: Eeba Mak is a research analyst at DealMeCoupon, an expert in producing engaging and informative research-based articles and blog posts. Her passion to disseminate fruitful information fuels her passion for writing.


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