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Health Benefits of Mushrooms

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Health Benefits of Mushrooms

Mushrooms have been an important part of mankind's diet for thousands of years. We have enjoyed them since cavemen chewed on the myriads of fungus-like mushrooms when they were hunting for food. The name "mushroom" comes from a Polynesian word, myriamhynchus, that refers to the mushrooms themselves. A mushroom, or toadstools as it is more commonly known, is the slimy, fleshy body of an underground fungus, usually produced on soil, above ground, or in its natural food supply. Mushrooms are extremely important to our ecosystem, supplying nitrogen and energy to plant and animal life; they are also used in a variety of cooking styles, served as a garnish and as medicine.

One of the most beneficial qualities of mushrooms is their high fiber content, which is useful in maintaining a healthy weight and preventing constipation. High fiber foods such as whole-wheat bread, whole-grain rice, oatmeal, and legumes such as black beans and lentils are rich in fiber. The combination of these beneficial qualities of mushrooms is particularly helpful for heart health.

Two particular varieties of mushrooms that are particularly beneficial to the heart are Enoki mushrooms and Heart Drops. Enoki mushrooms contain myriads of flavonoids, antioxidants powerful to protect the body against damage caused by free radicals in your system. Some of the best sources of enoki mushrooms include fresh mushrooms grown in New Zealand, and even smoked over oak chips for added flavoring. Enoki is frequently consumed with fresh vegetable salads. Some chefs include enoki mushrooms in a light and flavorful sauces, or pasteurized cream sauce for vegetables.

Another type of fungus that is great for heart health is Staminol, sometimes called "butterfly wax" or "butterfly mycotoxins". This fungal product is similar to molds and fungi that produce Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). When mixed with water, the oils produced by Staminol combine with other naturally occurring chemicals in the human body to create a synergistic compound that inhibits the production of certain harmful chemicals called free radicals. While Staminol is produced naturally, it is added to many commercial shampoos, hair styling products, and skin and nail care products.

There are many types of mushrooms that have a high fiber content. All of them are great for increasing the volume of fiber you get through your diet. However, you should know which ones are the best for you. Most mushrooms contain at least one set of enzymes; only a few contain complete enzymes, which are needed to break down and absorb nutrients in the body. If you take high-fiber varieties of mushrooms, you will be getting more fiber without sacrificing important nutrients.

In addition to helping to lower cholesterol levels, raw mushrooms may help to protect against type 2 diabetes. This is due to a chemical called allicin that can decrease blood glucose levels. The allicin may also bind with cholesterol and triglycerides, preventing these substances from sticking to the walls of blood vessels. This type of effect has led to a lot of research into the benefits of raw mushrooms for people with type 2 diabetes. A clinical trial involving sixty-two individuals who had type 2 diabetes found that those who regularly consumed raw mushrooms had a significantly lower risk of developing heart disease or becoming diabetic.

Another benefit of mushrooms is that they are a good source of protein. They are a good source of vitamin B-12, which is essential for repairing cells and for maintaining healthy nerves, skin, bones, muscles, and teeth. Vitamin B-12 is also essential for promoting a healthy immune system. Since mushrooms are rich in protein, they are another good source of this vitamin.

Finally, mushrooms are a rich source of potassium, which is crucial for regulating the heart's rhythms. Potassium helps to keep the brain running smoothly, as well as control muscle contractions and body temperature. A deficiency of potassium can cause hyperthyroidism and poor kidney function. It is important to consume a good amount of potassium on a regular basis, so that it can help to regulate many types of diseases.

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