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Primary Education: What Are the Aims & Objectives?

Rajdeep Kakkar
Primary Education: What Are the Aims & Objectives?

The good old saying, "Begin as You Wish to Continue", could not be more accurate for primary education. In an age where high school education is increasingly embracing multi-faceted ways of imparting education, primary education stands as the right precedent to this change from experiential learning to holistic development.

Primary education was earlier considered a very foundation to the basic education that followed in the further years. Well, not anymore. From the best primary school in the country to an upcoming institution next door, every school today looks at primary education as more than just a lead-up to the real deal.

Here are a few emerging elements in the current primary education epoch that emphasize the importance of these critical years and their objectives and aims.

Nurturing Skills Critical to Success

Whether it is creativity, logical thinking or the art of leadership, most life skills cannot be learnt from a textbook. They are imbibed through persistent modelling, practice and conditioning. Primary education in schools in Pune city and the country alike are creating opportunities for young thinkers to identify and develop skills in their daily tasks. This could include creatively showcasing a science module or introducing logical thinking through fun mathematical games. The best primary school will ensure that its students are given ample room to put the pieces of skill-building together in their mind.

Laying Emphasis on Ethics

It is never too early to adopt an ethical and conscious way of life. Remember the story of a hare and a tortoise? It teaches us about the all-important lesson of perseverance and respect for your opponent. Simple learnings often find their roots in our primary education system. Contrary to what most educators or parents may think, imbibing ethics begins not in the boardroom or that summer internship but your primary years! Primary schools in Pune city or any thriving metro city in India are indeed the foothold of an ethical workforce of the future.

Making Learning Fun

Never would a school back in the day associate education with the word 'fun'. Fortunately, the education system has discovered that if children are expected to commit two decades of their life to formal education, they need to fall in love with the process. That's where making education fun comes in.

The primary schools are introducing experiential learning, creative learning and even peer learning to tweak the conventional structure and make it more appealing. So right from having the students teach a particular topic to engage all senses in learning concepts creatively, primary schools are putting their best foot forward to make the process more appealing.

Exposing Children to Various Vocational Avenues

Haven't we all proclaimed in our childhood about wanting to be a doctor, a teacher or a dancer? Back then, there were but a handful of professions to choose from. Well, fortunately, now the opportunities are so vast that becoming aware itself can take them years! So, it's only right they get started on this awareness drive in their primary years. Primary education in today's time is focused on nurturing a broad spectrum of ideas and skill sets that the current professional landscape demands.

Instilling The Idea of Giving Back to Society

Gone are the days when community welfare was considered the fourth and final element of human life. In the current era, giving back to society needs the attention of young minds. The best primary schools in our country are getting early learners actively involved in community outreach and social welfare. From planting a tree every month in the school premises, recycling their books or visiting an old age home, primary schools bring their students closer to the concerns and betterment of the community. Early involvement is more likely to mould them into responsive and upright citizens of the future world.

Primary education is the foundation of a successful learning experience for our young minds. Let's make it a strong one!

Rajdeep Kakkar
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