Below you will get to read all the features of our clone script.What is LocalBitcoins Clone script?LocalBitcoins is one of the most famous bitcoins marketplace that permits users to publish ads or submit their requests to buy or sell bitcoins.
A user can buy a cryptocurrency by mentioning the price and the amount of cryptocurrency they are willing to purchase and pay for a unit that helps to choose and buy whether from nearby people or from anyone all over the world via internet without considering geographical limitations.
The main fact about the LocalBitcoins exchange is, it considers with all the necessary ingredients inbuilt to run a successful business in crypto market.Some of the exciting features that add benefits to your business exchange selection lies with its units and the features available in the portal.
It is robust and smooth in capturing the fields required to the exchange process with the strapping detection and high security.How do LocalBitcoins Clone Script Work?Once the server is successfully set up with the script, then it is all well-set to run the business.The Steps to Sell BitcoinsStep 1: First, register on the platform by filling the details on the profile.Step 2: Once the account have been created, a wallet will be generated on the platform that works like an escrow on the platform.
Before posting an Ad, the platform cross-checks whether the person applying to sell have an enough balance to proceed the request.Step 4: Once the sell request Ad is posted, a notification will be received to the buyers nearby to the seller or those who have shown interest to buy cryptocurrency from anywhere.Step 5: Then the interested buyers after viewing the request can get in touch with the seller to buy the bitcoins either in direct or by way of online transaction.Step 6: The seller has the option either to accept or reject the buyer request.Step 7: After the payment is received by the seller from the buyer, there will be note mentioning that the transaction is complete and then the crypto coin is transferred to the buyer.The Steps to Buy BitcoinsStep 1: In order to buy a bitcoins, the buyer need to create a profile and then search for a suitable seller nearer to one’s own location, then rating, pricing, and expected payment options are also need to get mentioned.Step 2: Once they found the seller based on one’s buying demands, then you can contact them by placing a buying request.Step 3: Then, the seller will look the buyer's profile and make decision whether to accept or reject the buyer request.Step 4: Based on the seller acceptance, next the payment made through the option both the buyer and the seller is comfort with by notifying that the payment was done along with the proof of payment.Step 5: Once the seller received the payment from the buyer, the bitcoin is transferred from the seller's wallet to the buyer’s wallet.For the Site AdministratorThis platform is designed in such a way that the admin panel permits the site administrator to manage all the transactions made on the site.
Also, the script has a strong dispute management system that plays an important role in verifying the claims to resolve a dispute happen between the buyer and seller.Special features supported by Our Local Bitcoin Clone scriptSupports Escrow Wallet- Once the trading begins, Our Escrow wallet is activated.