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Important Terms To Know In Blockchain Gaming

Olivia Smith
Important Terms To Know In Blockchain Gaming

Cryptocurrency is gaining in popularity, and it appears like everyone is investing in this relatively new realm. That is majorly why blockchain technology has piqued the curiosity of every major sector. Here are some of the important terms to know in blockchain gaming.


In most blockchain games, the play-to-earn paradigm is applied, compensating players for playing games and participating in in-game economies, allowing users to buy and sell game-related commodities.

Unlike traditional game models such as free-to-play with in-game purchases or pay-to-play, Blockchain-based games give players complete control over their digital assets.

As a result of the system’s virtuous circle, players receive rewards such as weaponry, skins, and gaming items.


Users must make an initial, up-front purchase of an in-game asset, often an NFT, under the pay-to-earn technique, which is similar to play-to-earn.

Like the play-to-learn strategy, the item can develop value with time, with the promise of profits serving as an incentive for stickiness.


Both play-to-earn and pay-to-earn models are commonly referred to as GameFi, a term that emphasizes the earning potential of gaming.

A successful blockchain game requires a robust blockchain foundation with high transaction rates and minimal fees. Consumers will not (and should not) pay huge amounts in transaction costs when purchasing or selling things because they are unusable without them.

Asset Ownership In-Game

Gamers are wary of paying for in-game assets that are not transportable and are governed by the developer. Worse, when a gaming site goes down, players lose all they’ve put into it.

Tokenizing in-game assets, which essentially implies establishing NFTs, allows developers to own assets fully.

Source: https://zipmex.com/learn/the-future-of-blockchain-gaming/

Blockchain Game Development Company 

If you want to start your own blockchain gaming platform then here is the right place just one click away.

Sellbitbuy offers the best blockchain game development services, with a pool of expert blockchain game developers who are capable of creating battles games, collectibles games, arcade games, RPG games, PVP games, Race Games, Metaverse Games and more. 

Olivia Smith
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