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Vardhman Wool and its characteristics

Fuzion Foodz
Vardhman Wool and its characteristics

It is estimated that about 30 million quintals of wool are produced in the world. Out of this 42.8 per cent of wool are merino, 46 per cent crossbred and 11.2 per cent carpet wool. According to the latest estimates, India produces about nine and a half million men of wool per year from its 40 million sheep. More than 5 per cent of the total wool, valued at Rs 120 crore, is sent to foreign countries. The country's woollen textile mills, which make good quality cloth, have to depend on 19 lakh mands of raw or underdeveloped wool imported from outside. Its value in foreign currency is about Rs 110 crore. Wool ranks eighth in the export trade of agricultural goods, while it also occupies first place along with skins in the trade of animal and animal products. In Uttar Pradesh, 5 lakh mands of wool are produced from 24 crore sheep. Rajasthan and Punjab are first in wool production, followed by Uttar Pradesh. Vardhaman wool is one of the best wools produced in India and exported overseas.

Fuzion Foodz
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