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LG Microwave Oven Repair & Services in Vashi Mumbai

usha sri
LG Microwave Oven Repair & Services in Vashi Mumbai

LG Microwave Oven Repair & Services in Vashi Mumbai Microwave oven is the main and the common appliance which is mainly used in all the homes. The microwave oven is used to cook and preheat the food items. This induces polar molecules in the food to rotate and produce thermal energy in a process known as dielectric heating. Microwave ovens heat foods quickly and efficiently because excitation is fairly uniform in the outer 25-38mm(1-1.5 inches) of a homogenous, high water content food item. Exceptions occur in cases where the oven is used to heat frying oil and other oily items(such as bacon). Which attains a far higher temperature than that of boiling water. Microwave ovens have a limited role in professional cooking. As the usage of the microwave is on the higher side , there are many issues with the microwave ovens like solo microwave ovens, grill microwave ovens, convection microwave ovens. We will provide you with the service call, as our professional technicians are well trained and experienced so that they can solve all the microwave ovens and the issues of the microwave oven will be solved within the same day without any further complications. As if there are any issues  LG Microwave Oven Repair & Services in Chembur Mumbai with the microwave oven spare parts then our professional technicians will inform you immediately at that time and we will also charge separately for spare parts and we will also give you 90 days of warranty for spare parts and we will also give you 30 days of warranty for general services. As our professional technicians are having highly organized time management skills. We will also give you 100% full customer satisfaction.  

Vashi Mumbai pin code 400703 INDIA

usha sri
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