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4 Commonly Overlooked Quality Measures in Used Cars

4 Commonly Overlooked Quality Measures in Used Cars


Shopping for a used car, many of us know the basics: Find the right price, model, condition and brand for your needs, with financing services that are affordable and offered at a good interest rate. While we may think we have done a comprehensive analysis of the vehicle we are purchasing, there are some small details we may not know to look for. Here are 4 of the most commonly overlooked issues you should look out for when shopping for used cars for sale in Billings, MT.


Undercarriage Flaws


We get it: You aren’t a mechanic! How would you know what to look for? Most of us do not bother to look at the bottom of a used vehicle, for fear of “doing too much” or not knowing what to actually look for. Even if you cannot identify a single part or system at the bottom of the vehicle, look for wet spots. Any leaks in the engine or transmission will appear at the bottom of the vehicle, and leave certain areas visibly wet. If you notice any of these problem spots, immediately bring it up to the salesperson you are working with.


Issues at the floor


Another problem area many people do not check is the vehicle floors. Check around the floor mats for any wet spots of soft or weak points. These weak points could indicate damage done by rust, that is forming actual holes in the vehicle’s metal floor. Additionally, any wet spots on the floor or floor mats could indicate a leak that is occurring at any of the interior seams, since all water would pool towards the floor of the car.


Conditions of All Electronics


You try the windows, radio and AC. Should you assume everything else works? Don’t be afraid to take the time to test every electronic control in the vehicle. Any electronic failures can be one of the more costly repairs, and it is worth negotiating free repairs or a lower price should you encounter any failures.

Read the Car’s OBD2 Codes with an OBD2 Sensor


Readily available for rent or purchase at various auto parts stores, the vehicle’s OBD2 codes can give a glance into any past issues or cleared codes. Look out for a “P1000” code. This indicates a check engine light was previously cleared from the system. While this was likely done by a mechanic to clear an oxygen sensor issue, it is worth double checking with the dealer, and requesting a full vehicle history report.

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