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What You Need to Consider when Installing RTA Cabinets

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What You Need to Consider when Installing RTA Cabinets

If you are planning to improve the look of your kitchen using RTA cabinets, you should know how to do it right. The first thing that you need to know is that cabinetry is one of the most important aspects of the kitchen’s beauty. However, other aspects are also important in maintaining the overall aesthetic beauty of the kitchen. 

Important things that you should consider when remodeling your kitchen

Since the beauty of your kitchen is not solely dependent on the cabinetry that you install, you should keep in mind the following factors:

Space in the kitchen

The amount of space that you have in the kitchen should dictate the kind of cabinetry that you are going to install in the kitchen. If you have a smaller kitchen, going for streamlined RTA cabinets can be the best option since you will maximize on the little space you have.

Movement in the kitchen

You also need to know how you move around the kitchen to avoid installing cabinets that will hamper your movement. Ensure that you calculate the overhead space so that you can move freely without hitting your cabinets often.


Lighting is always an integral factor that you cannot ignore when remodeling your kitchen. It doesn’t matter the type of cabinets that you have in your kitchen, lighting needs to be at its best. If you have dull RTA cabinets, you should increase the number of light fixtures to make the kitchen livelier.

The color scheme in your kitchen

The kind of cabinets that you are adding to the kitchen should reflect the color scheme of your kitchen. They don’t need to be the same but they must complement each other so that you get an amazing look for your kitchen with rhyming color schemes.


The time that you have allocated for the project determines the kind of cabinets that you can have in your kitchen. For example, if you don’t have enough time, you cannot go for RTA Kitchen cabinets because most of them require a lot of time to be assembled by non-carpenters. Alternatively, you can opt for them but seek help in their installation.


The amount of money that you are willing to spend on the project is also a great determinant of the kind of kitchen that you will have. Most people who work on a budget always prefer high-quality RTA cabinets.

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