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How to Pick the Right Dining Room Light Fixtures

Bone & Brass
How to Pick the Right Dining Room Light Fixtures

Whether you like to have a lot of guests over or eat dinner with your family, the dining room is a special place in the house.

It’s where you can entertain guests and have a private conversation. It’s where we can often forget about the rest of the world and talk to each other over good food and company.

Finding lighting that goes well with this special space can take time and effort. Dining room light fixtures are an important part of the dining room’s design because it not only gives you light while you eat but also have a big effect on the mood and atmosphere of the whole room. Read on how to choose the best light fixture for your dining room.


Before choosing to light your dining room, there are many things to consider. From where to put the pendants to the size of the chandelier, it’s important to think about the room and the furniture already there. Before you buy, make sure you have these measurements so that your new light will fit perfectly in your space.

Add the length and width of your room or dining area in feet, and then divide that number by 24 to get the size in inches. It is also suggested that the size of the fixture be about a third of the width of the dining table.


Think carefully about where to put your main fixture. The center of a chandelier or other low-hanging light fixture should be over the dining table, not in the middle of the room. For example, if you have other furniture in the room, your table may be far from the middle of the space, and that’s fine.

The light fixture will make certain pieces of furniture, like your dining set, the center of attention. Make sure you know where your table will be before you put up your light.

Bone & Brass
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