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Sai Baba Answers

Sai Baba Answers

While SaiBaba's exact origins are not known, there are some clues that indicate that he was born near Shirdi.


Historical researches on Shirdi genealogies support the idea that Baba could have been born as Haribhau Bhusari. SaiBaba was known for providing contradictory, vague and misleading answers to questions about his parents and origins. He also brusquely stated that the information was not important.

Mhalsapati, a close friend, had reported that Baba had stated to Mhalsapati that he was a Brahmin child of Pathri's Brahmin parents and that he had been placed in the care of a fakir when a young boy. Baba also claimed that Venkusa of Selu had taken him to live with his wife, a Hindu guru. He had been there for twelve years as Venkusa's disciple. This dichotomy has led to two main theories about SaiBaba's history. Most writers support the Hindu background more than the Islamic. Others combine both theories (that Sai Baba had been first raised by a Fakir and then by an guru).


SaiBaba, a sixteen-year-old Indian boy, was reported to have arrived in Shirdi, Maharashtra's Ahmednagar District.

Biographers disagree on the exact date, but it is widely accepted that SaiBaba lived in Shirdi for three and a half years, then disappeared for one year, returning to Shirdi around 1858. This suggests that he was born in 1838. He lived an ascetic lifestyle, sitting motionless beneath a neem trees and sitting in asana.

Sai Prashnavali

Life is full of problems and everyone is dealing with it in their own way. However, many times we feel lost and unable to find answers to our problems. Going through this phase, we do not know where or how to move forward. Things that seemed exciting to you earlier have lost its sense and you do not feel the same level of enthusiasm by them.

If you are one of those who are feeling the same right now, then do not stress too much because Sai Baba is here for you to bless you with virtue. Here, we present you with Sai Prashnavali which will help you seek answers to your questions and solutions to your problems. If you have faith in Sai Baba, then this Pranshnavali is for you.

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