Everyone nowadays is using herbal medicines (aka herbs) especially Nigeria people because of their scent, its flavor, or therapeutic properties. The Herbal Medicine is commonly known as an herb; is used widely by using its roots, seeds, leaves. We all know that herbal medicine is the practice to treat disease and enhance wellbeing & general health by interacting with other pharmaceutical medications. It is an ancient but still mostly used medicine system in the world today. Commonly used in all cultures the herbal-medicine (aka herb) is also known as botanical medicines, phytomedicines, or vegetable medicines. according to practice research, the herbs (which usually contain active ingredients) can lose their impact or likely to be less-stable while using in isolation from the rest of the plant. According to general research, a large group of the population especially in all developing countries is still relying on traditional practitioners & herbs (herbal medicines) just for their primary care. They use herbal medicine as an immunity booster for the sake of their health care needs. Only in Africa, more than 90% of people take herbal medicine as alternative medicine Nowadays everybody is taking herbal medicines especially the Nigerian people because of their scent, flavor, or therapeutic properties. Herbal Medicine i.e. commonly known as an herb is used widely by using its roots, seeds, leaves. As everybody likes to buy the herb as per the increasing global trend for their health improvement. In other words, herbs work as an immunity booster for all weak & health issues suffering patients. If you have arthritis problems you can use it as arthritis medicine. Needless to say that herbs are boon to human beings though. Talking about the impacts of the herb on health it's a point to be noted that each herb is not beneficial for all kinds of health issues. Thus before taking any herb make sure you must take proper consultation from an herb expert