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mercury in 12th house

Bani Sachdeva
mercury in 12th house

From the twelfth house (expenditure) of the horoscope, information about physical happiness, sorrow, eye diseases, all kinds of imprisonment, humiliation, destruction of wealth, an association of bad people, salvation, all these things are obtained.
Due to the placement of Mercury in the twelfth house, the person speaks less and spends his money on auspicious works. Due to the placement of Mercury in the 12th house, the person spends his wealth by performing pilgrimages or sacrifices or in charity to Brahmins. Such a person is a follower of his word. Such a person has an interest in spiritual esotericism. Due to the inauspicious effect of Mercury in the twelfth house, the native is likely to suffer humiliation and mental anguish. Due to the placement of Mercury in the twelfth house, the person maintains his intelligence or cleverness and understanding but is not able to use it properly. Due to this, the native has to suffer loss. Due to the influence of Mercury in the twelfth house, the person has a desire to make his name famous by attaining tantric accomplishments. Due to the inauspicious effect of the twelfth house, the native gets inauspicious results related to this house. He is sad. There is a possibility of spending his money on diseases. Due to the auspicious effect of Mercury in the twelfth house, the person tries to be successful with spiritual concentration and self-motivation. The twelfth house also belongs to our sleep. Due to the presence of Mercury in the twelfth house, the person is more likely to have dreams in his sleep. The eyes of the person are beautiful due to Mercury being in the zero position in the twelfth house.

Bani Sachdeva
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