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Define Lal Kitab Remedies

Bani Sachdeva

Lal Kitab Remedies

Lal Kitab is a very easy book in relation to astrology by which a normal person can also examine his horoscope according to the circumstances around him, and can make the planets conducive with simple measures. The rules of Vedic astrology is completely different from the rules of Vedic astrology. For example, Lagna is given the highest regard in Vedic astrology and at the time of birth, the amount raised on the eastern horizon is written in Lagna Bhaaw. But in Lal Kitab, nothing happens like this. In it, the Bhaaw of kundali remains constant as Kaal Purush Kundali. For example, according to Vedic astrology if a person is born in Sagittarius Lagna, then his birth chart will be written in Sagittarius first which is Lagna Bhaaw aswell. But it will not be the same in the Lal Kitab. According to the Lal Kitab, First house or Lagna house will be written in Aries and in that sequence, Sagittarius will be marked in the ninth house.

Bani Sachdeva
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