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sun in 6th house

Bani Sachdeva
sun in 6th house

Effect of Sun in 6th house

From the sixth house of the horoscope, we get information about diseases, opposition from relatives, enemies, maternal side, debts and the position of the maternal uncle.

Due to the placement of the Sun in the sixth house, the person does not have enemies, the Sun is the enemy in the sixth house. Sun is the most powerful and bright planet in the universe. No matter how powerful the enemy may be due to this effect of the Sun, the person is not able to harm the enemy due to the presence of the Sun in the sixth house, due to the influence of the Sun, the person becomes strong and brilliant. The person has an abundance of courage and might. He is fearless, he is not afraid of the enemy. Due to the Sun being in the sixth house, the maternal side of the person suffers. Sun in the sixth house causes wastage of wealth of the native. Due to the excessive expenditure of the native, there is a possibility of debt on him. Complete medicine and medical science and people related to it, if the person gets diseases due to being involved in the Karaktva of the planet Sun, then being in the sixth house of the Sun makes the person hungry because the planet Sun is the cause of the gastric fire. If the Sun is in the sixth house, it gives both auspicious and inauspicious results. From the Sun placed in the sixth house, there is a possibility of debt due to friends.

Bani Sachdeva
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