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Bridge The Gap Between Eateries And Foodies By Utilizing Our Otlob Clone

Angelina Jo
Bridge The Gap Between Eateries And Foodies By Utilizing Our Otlob Clone

The booming food delivery industry has been the biggest success story amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. Interestingly, many restaurants have started selling their assets as they cannot operate and sustain themselves independently due to lockdown measures. Undoubtedly, they are now depending on online food delivery platforms to offer takeaway services instead of dine-in operations. 

Popular food delivery apps like Otlob offer the benefits of flexibility and scalability to eateries. The Otlob platform (rebranded as Talabat) provides customers with a wide variety of choices. They can purchase tasty cuisines and meals from fast food outlets, hotels, specialty stores, and restaurants across Egypt. Otlob ensures timely delivery of food as it has a humongous 16,000 order fulfillment executives.   

What Are The Important Factors To Keep In Mind While Creating A Food Delivery App Like Otlob?

Focus on the Menu – Foodies want to try out new dishes to get away from their daily routines. Entrepreneurs can offer healthy alternatives like cream-less cookies, dairy-free waffles, fruit juices, plant-based foods, salads, sugar-free coffee and tea, and wheat sandwiches. This will help customers maintain proper fitness with the right intake of food.   

Owners of an Otlob like Food Delivery app can introduce separate menus for weekdays and weekends. Additionally, they can attract more food buffs by providing special combo packages and meals for festivals and other occasions.   

Hire trained order fulfillment executives – The food delivery personnel are the crucial intermediaries between restaurants and customers. They must hand over the dishes to users on time to avoid spoiling their overall experience. The delivery executives must utilize a route optimization mechanism and reach the customer’s location. They will receive real-time information about the fastest and shortest routes (with minimum traffic) from Apple Maps and Google Maps. 

Eventually, food order fulfillment personnel can boost customer satisfaction and also increase their overall rating by offering timely delivery services. 

Track business performance – Foodpreneurs must concentrate on specific metrics like average order value, cash flow, daily and monthly active users, profits, revenue, and time for food preparation. They should focus on enhancing operational efficiency in the long run. 

Further, owners of a Food delivery app like Otlob can expand their business scope to different cities depending on the requirements and market conditions. 

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Angelina Jo
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