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Types Of Plough For Farming With Brand And Details

Lalit Kumar Saini
Types Of Plough For Farming With Brand And Details

Every farming requires a plough and productive field. There was a time when farmers ploughing their fields by oxen and horses, even sometimes they did it by hand. But the time has changed and technology improves day by day. Every farmer wishes for labour-intensive work, by which they can save their time and money both. Technology is slowly passing from cities to villages and their use also increases gradually by farmers. What if? A good and efficient plougher with affordable price. Isn’t it amazing? Let’s start with the types of plough and get rid of manual ploughing work. 


What Is Plough?

A plough is a farm tool used for loosening the soil before planting. A plough may be of a wooden, iron or steel frame, with the attached blade to loosen the soil. The main task of ploughing is to turn over the topsoil, bring fresh nutrients to the cover. 

Types Of Plough 

Although there are 53 types of plough we considered brands like Fieldking, Farmking, Lemken, Khedut, Universal, Mahindra and many more. But right now, here we are going to discuss some most popular ploughs with their features and brand. No need to be tormenting, you can get every detail about types of plough only at tractor junction. 

  1. Lemken OPAL 080 E 2MB
  2. Soiltech Disc Plough
  3. Lemken Spinel 200 Mulcher
  4. Universal Mould Board Plough
  5. Khedut MB Plough
  6. Mahindra Reversible Plough
  7. Mahindra Disc Plough
  8. Agristar Disc Plough 3 Furrow
  9. Captain Reversible
  10. Farmking M.B(Mould Board)

To get more detailed information about models of plough, rotary tiller and and their types, stay connected with Tractor Junction. 


Lalit Kumar Saini
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