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Kidney Stones Treatment

Levanza Food and Herbals
Kidney Stones Treatment

Treatment Of Kidney Stones


The treatment for kidney stones is customised as per the need of the affected person. The emphasis is given to recognizing the symptoms early and managing the stones. The first step is to get examined to determine the size of the stone. If the stone is tiny, the medical expert would advise you to follow home remedies to push the kidney stone out of your urinary tract. Additionally, he would also suggest you drink plenty of fluids and take kidney stone removal Ayurvedic medicine.

However, you can win the fight against kidney stones by simple lifestyle changes and specific diet plans. Here are some tips as per Ayurveda to combat kidney stones at home.

Ayurvedic Ways To Treat Kidney Stones

Stay hydrated – One of the common reasons why kidney stones develop in the first place is due to lack of hydration. To help the body in kidney stone removal, drink plenty of fluids. Medical experts suggest drinking 6 – 7 glasses of water a day. Moreover, drinking water will also help to remove harmful toxins from your body. Thus you will be able to pass the stones out of your system more quickly.

Lemon Water With Honey – Lemon water with honey is an excellent way of eliminating waste from the body. This mixture will not only help you remove kidney stones from your body but make you feel refreshed and energised. You prepare this mixture in warm water for a better result.

Refrain from junk food – eating processed, or junk foods can make your health worse. Try to avoid such a diet and stay motivated on your journey towards overall wellness.

Horse gram – As per Ayurveda, horse gram is known to be a rich source of protein, iron, calcium and many more essential nutrients. It is diuretic in nature which means it helps to eliminate salt from the body through urine. It is an excellent remedy for kidney stones if it is prepared with Ayurvedic herbs. It prevents kidney stones from developing again and breaks them down to eliminate these stones out of the body.

Ayurvedic herbs – Here is a list of ayurvedic herbs you must include in your diet for the effective removal of renal stones.

Choti Elaichi Or Small Cardamom– It acts as a diuretic and helps to cleanse the body of waste. Moreover, it helps the urinary tract to fight infections using its detoxification effect.

Tulsi ( Basil ) – Tulsi helps to maintain fluid, mineral and uric acid balance in the kidneys. You can consume Tulsi with warm water or honey to strengthen your renal system and efficiently remove kidney stones.

Varun Chhal ( Three leaved caper ) – Varun chhal is another diuretic ayurvedic herb that helps in the blood detoxification process. It reduces the stone formation in the kidneys and helps to eliminate it out of your renal system.

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