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What are the Critical Types of Vulnerability Scanning?

Damocles Security
What are the Critical Types of Vulnerability Scanning?

When you own something valuable, the first question that pops up is how to protect it best is never far from your mind. For today's organisations, the most valuable thing they own is the data they hold and manage. However, these data require constant vigilance to save them from data hackers.  

One of the best ways to opt fo`r the services of vulnerability scanning company is to provide regular vulnerability assessments and conduct daily checks to analyse any weak point in the system.   

What is the importance of Vulnerability scanning?  

Vulnerability scanning tools are automated equipment that enables you to check if your networks, systems, and applications have hidden security vulnerabilities that could unveil them to cyber-attacks. Vulnerability assessment or scanning is common practice opted by most organisations to improve their security posture.   

The scanning enables organisations to determine possible ways a hacker could exploit system vulnerabilities that might cause outages. Other than this, it also checks unauthorised network access, unpatched operating systems, outdated software products and misconfigured hardware responsible for vulnerabilities.  

The vulnerability scanning system has several products and tools that cover different types of assets and offer additional features — the combined processes of scanning procedure is related to identifying, classifying and mitigating security weakness inside the system.  

Essential types of Vulnerability Scanning  

To assist you in getting a better grip over this subject, let's explore how the services of vulnerability scanning company works and what are its essential types.   

  1.  Internal Scan: The internal scans are performed from within the network using privilege escalation techniques. These scanning processes provide insight into how staff members use permissions to help identify vulnerabilities that an insider attack may use to gain access to servers and other essential applications.  
  1. External Scans: The external scanning process mainly focuses on online and connected assets, such as remote access ports, employee login pages, etc. With external vulnerability scanning in place, organisations can better understand how they can secure their network system and theorise how attackers could exploit them.  
  1. Application-based Scans: This scanning mainly focuses on the company's segment and aspects, such as analysing only IoT devices and the corporate wireless network. Organisations can scan specific applications to understand how vulnerabilities might impact their availability and uptime, depending on which systems are affected. This application-based scanning enables non-technical staff to understand the risk caused by vulnerabilities.  
  1. Network-based Scans: This scanning helps identifying possible network security risks and vulnerable systems on networks. Also, it helps to recognise unauthorised devices connected to the system by checking various security parameters.   
  1. Authenticated and unauthenticated scan: To determine vulnerability scans have no failure in detection. Apply both authenticated and unauthenticated vulnerability scans. Since authenticated scanning enables the tester to join as a user and view as a user perspective, the unauthentic scan does the opposite. It helps detect issues around the perimeter of a network. 

Summary: The main objective of Vulnerability scans is to help companies determine problems in the network system and fix the issue before it could come in contact with cyber attackers. However, if you are looking for safety beyond a simple vulnerability scan, Damocles security can help.   

Damocles Security is a leading Vulnerability scanning provider, and it delivers a wide scope of services that involve protecting businesses against present and future threats and enhancing their cyber resilience. Apart from this, Damocles is also known as a next-generation firewall provider company in Australia. 

Damocles Security
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