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Mulshi Farmhouse Pune | farmhouse near mulshi

Mulshi Farmhouse Pune | farmhouse near mulshi

The concept of “Guest Gods” comes from the customer’s view. The food is provided to the customers. There is a spacious dining hall. Good facilities for food and stay is provided to the customers. Interesting playgrounds can be used to play a favorite sport. Staff at the Gharkul Agricultural Tourism is always ready. Gharkul Krushi Tourism is situated in scenic atmosphere at Watande village, 28 kilometers from Chandni Chowk (Pune), Lavasa Road. Near the river, the surrounding hills can be enjoyed working in agriculture, enjoying a pleasant mountain, the stillness that is found on the field is still on the field, the silhouette of nature and the colorful shade of nature, the inauspicious light of many stars in the dark darkness of night and the warm garlands of the dawn, tastes of different birds, Visit Gharkul “Agricultural Tourism” 

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