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Could your Business Benefit from a Copywriting Course?

Could your Business Benefit from a Copywriting Course?

If you ever catch yourself wondering if you are best reaching your desired demographic, or if your audience could somehow be expanded or better informed, you would be a great candidate for Liz Slyman’s copywriting course.

Good copywriting isn’t just throwing together some random words that describe your company. It’s showing what your company values and making a lasting impact on your readers -

and that isn’t always easy to do.

Copywriting is a truly useful skill because it will assure your target customers that your product or service will offer them a valuable solution to their needs, thus increasing profitability and return on investment. Good copywriting will convince people to take your desired actions.

We see it every day of our lives and everywhere. It’s in word documents, pamphlets, emails, the scripts of videos you watch and podcasts you listen to. Because of this oversaturation, we take it for granted and don’t always fully appreciate its value.

Especially in today’s digital age, people’s attention spans are almost nonexistent, so well written copy’s value is at an all-time high. People are used to being constantly bombarded with media, so you want to make your words stand out - not be just another group of letters that get pushed aside with everything else.

Effective copy will help you build a better brand image and reach more people. You could potentially be missing out on an untapped market of people who will better be reached when your message is presented to them differently.

Copywriting as a Hard and Soft Skill

Copywriting is a hard and soft skill, which makes it doubly valuable.

Copywriting  isn’t just the ability to construct a well written sentence, it’s about understanding your audience. You wouldn’t use New Yorker style, multisyllabic words when trying to advertise dolls to a 10-year-old, would you? Same goes for insider jargon, phrases, acronyms, and humor - they will all be differently received depending on the audience. You need to adjust your tone if you want to best reach your reader.

Business owners can enroll in this copywriting course online and add value to their businesses. Even if you think you know a decent amount about copywriting, it never hurts to learn more - great is always better than really good.

Businesses that can benefit from a Copywriting Course

Professionals in every form of business and in every type of industry can benefit from copywriting. Every industry you could possibly think of needs to reach their customers. Everything from:


-Event planners

Even that 6-year-old selling lemonade down the street, she could probably use some good copywriting, too.

Copywriting can even take form in ways you may not have initially suspected. Your FAQ can be a valuable part of your website to inform your readers. Same with the “thank you” page that pops up after a customer has purchased something. Every time someone puts eyes on something coming from your business it’s an opportunity to inform, engage, and convert.

Details about the Copywriting Courses

Liz Slyman offers the most comprehensive copywriting course for business owners that lasers in on specific areas of copywriting. The course is all online and self-paced, giving you the flexibility to learn whenever, wherever, and at whichever speed is best for you.

 Each class includes a free download of her ebook: “Pitch, Portfolio, Follow-Up - Your Guide to Landing Your First Copywriting Client (and beyond!)” as well as a bonus course, “The Basics of Copywriting”. Both contain valuable insider information that you won’t want to miss.

The course is created and taught by Slyman herself, who you’ll have full access to via email during the entire course. She’s always available to answer questions and more than happy to do so.

For more information visit her website https://lizslyman.com/courses/.

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