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Hybrid Cloud Experience with Digital Transformation

Brijesh Joshi
Hybrid Cloud Experience with Digital Transformation

Across all industries, digital transformation continues to be one of the driving drivers propelling business and IT expenditures. Cloud computing, like another digital transformation technology ecosystem IoT, is an umbrella word that encompasses a variety of technologies, components, techniques, and application kinds in an increasingly multi-cloud reality. Cloud computing is undeniably a critical pillar of the digital transformation technology ecosystem, and it is in this context that the cloud's future must be considered.

Over time, the term "Hybrid Cloud" has grown to mean a variety of things. The importance of consistency and integration across various computing footprints cannot be overstated. Today's hybrid clouds, on the other hand, are all about combining new and old development processes in order to serve classic architectures and new applications. Organizations are increasingly looking for options when determining where to create and run their apps to satisfy business needs.

The Cloud as a Crucial Transformation Facilitator

The cloud is a critical enabler of digital transformation projects because it provides the scale and speed that businesses require to focus on transformation; this has a direct impact on the IT department's function.

Cloud computing isn't just seen as the on-demand delivery of applications (SaaS or Software as a Service) or just a bolt-on phenomenon anymore, as business executives are increasingly involved in IT buying decisions (in practice, this often concerns cloud-based solutions) and IT increasingly needs to enable the capabilities to develop, deploy, deliver, and scale quickly.

The term "hybrid cloud" encompasses more than just infrastructure.

Cloud as an experience rather than a destination

Cloud computing has become a significant facilitator in enabling digital transformation due to its benefits in agility, economies, speed, and scale. The key for IT is to think of the cloud as an experience rather than a destination.

A hybrid cloud experience provides the organization with the tools it needs to accelerate digital transformation while also giving IT teams the control they need to ensure cloud migrations are cost-effective, secure, strategic, and risk-free—while still enabling cloud-native development for new and existing applications and services.

It's also crucial to remember that not all workloads and applications are created equal and that each one should be carefully analyzed before being deployed in the most appropriate environment. Some should be hosted in the public cloud, while others are natural software-as-a-service applications that should be hosted in a data center or colocation facility. Finding the optimal cloud mix for your various applications and workloads is an important first step.

Besides from hybrid cloud, another aspect of navigating the path to digital transformation is to think of it as a framework that encompasses a wide range of business concerns and functions, including overall business strategy, people and culture issues, operations, security, and more.

Enterprise open source is the foundation for effective hybrid clouds.

When a hybrid cloud strategy is built on top of enterprise open source products, it is most effective. These provide code portability and integration across a variety of cloud settings, ensuring that software functions consistently across all IT environments.

This takes us to digital transformation. You can't digitally transform without apps, collaboration, and enterprise open source, even though it's becoming more of a prerequisite for successful digital organizations. While digital transformation encompasses many areas of an organization's operations, including its corporate culture, it does necessitate basic technology building blocks, such as applications, automation, and computing infrastructure, on which everything else is dependent. It necessitates a hybrid cloud that can sustain the workloads that the company requires to succeed.

Hybrid cloud is a must-have for any company undergoing digital transformation. These digital efforts, however, are divided into three groups, as seen below:


  • To modify an operating model, use digital efforts

In this case, a business or an organization automates its existing operational model tasks in order to improve repeatability, efficiency, and cost savings. This is most common in IT organizations that use automation and orchestration solutions to streamline their daily chores and processes.

  • To transform a business model, use digital efforts

Because of the growing influence of digital transformation, a firm or an enterprise extends or re-evaluates its business model. This can also be thought of as the most efficient business imperative.

  • Optimize a company function with digital efforts

This is another major type of digital transformation that resulted in the optimization of business processes. It is concerned with the concept of microservices and how they are related to a certain company.

Each of the above digital transformations, however, overlaps with the cloud. As a result, hybrid cloud technology is expected to be widely adopted by businesses in the future of digital transformation.

The following are the top three reasons why the hybrid cloud is seen as the future of digital transformation in the IT industry:

  • Changes in the Operating Model

At various stages of digital transformation, hybrid cloud and multi-cloud play a significant role. Through orchestration tooling and automation, the IT sector is shifting from traditional methodologies to modern operations. Customers who are experimenting with public cloud storage and hybrid IT can do so in on-premises environments, and when these experiments become more complicated, private cloud and hosted cloud become the next step for them. This is where the hybrid cloud and multi-cloud come into the picture.

  • Changes in Business Model

Because the digital world necessitates experimentation in order to reach new goals, it is critical for businesses to design and test new concepts efficiently and swiftly while continuing to operate their existing lines of business. In this case, hybrid cloud technology allows you to experiment quickly while taking into account variables like compliance, performance, security, and dependability in order to create an acceptable governance structure. In addition, the Hybrid cloud is utilized to manage cost and consumption fluctuation.

  • Business function optimization

Since many IT departments are adopting a multi-cloud strategy to run mission-critical business applications, hybrid cloud and multi-cloud technology are becoming increasingly important in supporting their business processes. Digital transformation is influenced by two primary factors: speed and agility, which is why clouds are so important.


A Hybrid cloud is a tool for digital transformation in the future. In fact, it has proven to be an essential component of all digital initiatives. IT firms must adopt a test-and-learn strategy to new features, data sets, functionality, and algorithms in order to achieve digital transformation success. Digital transformation cannot be postponed, but it also cannot be accomplished without a comprehensive plan and strategy in place, focused not only on technology but also on the company's entire objectives and goals.

Brijesh Joshi
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