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Nitrile Gloves Market Size, Share, Growth, Sales Revenue and Key Drivers Analysis Research Report by 2026

Hannah Edwards
Nitrile Gloves  Market Size, Share, Growth, Sales Revenue and Key Drivers Analysis Research Report by 2026

Growing occurrence of epidemic diseases and a subsequent demand for infection prevention and control utilities is estimated to fuel the market growth.

The global nitrile gloves market is expected to reach USD 3.30 Billion by 2026, according to a new report by Reports and Data. The report focuses on the recent market trends and end-use application of nitrile gloves. A growth in occurrence of epidemic diseases and a subsequent demand for infection prevention and control utilities would drive the market demand in the upcoming years.

Nitrile gloves are primarily used across medical sector, as a safety tool to prevent spreading of infection between caretakers and patients. The benefits offered by nitrile gloves comprise superior strength, longevity, and better protection against blood borne pathogens. Further, nitrile gloves being latex-free, it becomes preferable of choice for medical professionals to cure allergic cases.

Rise in awareness pertaining to wellbeing and hygiene amongst medical professionals and patients is estimated to stimulate the market growth. However, likely risk of price rivalry from local producers limits the growth of the market. Prospects in untapped markets that have high potential owing to developing healthcare infrastructure, growth in occurrences of chronic diseases and requirement for surgical interventions would further create a rise in demand for nitrile gloves in the forecast period.

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Further key findings from the report suggest

  • Powder-free nitrile gloves is projected to capture the largest market share and would grow at a rate of 6.4% during the forecast period. This dominance of powder-free nitrile gloves is due to the rising incidence of allergic reactions in people using powdered gloves.
  • Micro-roughened nitrile gloves would contribute to the largest share of the market growing at a rate of 6.3% during the period 2019-2026. This type of texture is most popular on nitrile gloves. The surface of micro-roughened gloves appears like it has been lightly roughened, which offers a good extent of extra grip to the gloves. Micro-roughened gloves, are extensively used in medical practices allowing the practitioners to easily grip medical tools.
  • North American market is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 6.4% in the upcoming years and would reach USD 1.13 Billion by 2026. Rapid advancement in the field of healthcare services in this region along with growth in industrialization is estimated to propel the market for nitrile gloves. Regulatory agencies in the region are imposing strict regulations and norms on employers to ensure worker safety and protection owing increasing occurrence of work-related risks.
  • Key participants include Ansell, Hartalega Holdings Berhad, Dynarex Corporation, United Glove Inc., Kossan Rubber Industries Ltd., Supermax Corporation Berhad, Rubberex, Adventa Berhad, Kimberly Clark and 3M among others.

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The report also provides an extensive regional segmentation to offer the readers key insights into the spread of the market over key geographical regions. It covers production and consumption patterns, import/export, supply and demand, consumer demand and behavior, key trends, and presence of key players in each region. The report also offer a country-wise analysis to impart a better understanding of the revenue growth of the market in each region.

  • North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
  • Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of Europe)
  • Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
  • Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
  • Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)

Type Outlook (Volume, Thousand Units; 2016-2026 and Revenue, USD Million; 2016-2026)

  • Powdered
  • Powder Free
  • Sterile
  • Non-Sterile

Component Outlook (Volume, Thousand Units; 2016-2026 and Revenue, USD Million; 2016-2026)

  • Butadiene
  • Acrylonitrile

Texture Outlook (Volume, Thousand Units; 2016-2026 and Revenue, USD Million; 2016-2026)

  • Smooth
  • Micro-Roughened
  • Aggressively Textured

Grade Outlook (Volume, Thousand Units; 2016-2026 and Revenue, USD Million; 2016-2026)

  • Industrial Grade
  • Medical Grade
  • Exam Grade

Product Finish Outlook (Volume, Thousand Units; 2016-2026 and Revenue, USD Million; 2016-2026)

  • Chlorinated
  • Polymer Coated
  • No Finish

End-user Outlook (Volume, Thousand Units; 2016-2026 and Revenue, USD Million; 2016-2026)

  • Automotive
  • Manufacturing
  • Healthcare
  • Oil & Gas
  • Construction
  • Food Processing
  • Others

To know more about the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/nitrile-gloves-market

Key Questions Addressed in the Report:

  • What is the market size the global Nitrile Gloves  market is expected to reach over the forecast period? What is the expected CAGR?
  • What are the key segments of the market?
  • What are the key products and applications of the Nitrile Gloves  market?
  • What factors are expected to drive and restrain market growth over the forecast period?
  • What are the key outcomes of SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis?

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Thank you for reading our report. The report can be customized based on regional segmentation and competitive landscape. Kindly get in touch with us to know more and our team will ensure the report is well suited to meet your requirements.

Hannah Edwards
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