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How Is John Deere 5405 Tractor Beneficial For Farmers

How Is John Deere 5405 Tractor Beneficial For Farmers

John Deere 5405 tractor is a renowned tractor model that comes with super effective features. This tractor is made with highly advanced technology, making it durable and reliable. It is a 63 hp tractor and comes with a powerful engine of 3-cylinders. This tractor model delivers exceptional performance in the farming field, resulting in high production. It can perform all the farming operations such as sowing, planting, land preparation and many more. Along with this, John Deere 5405 tractor is provided with a mind-blowing design that can catch every farmer's eye. 


Following are the features of the John Deere 5405 tractor, Have a look down below. 



  • John Deere 5405 Engine Capacity 



The tractor has a powerful engine capacity that generates 2100 RPM. Along with this, it has a Coolant Cooled With Overflow Reservoir and Dry Type, Dual-Element. Along with this, the tractor has 55 PTO hp, making it more beneficial for farmers. 



  • John Deere 5405 Transmission 



The tractor model has 12 forward & 4 reverse collar shift gearbox with dual-clutch, providing smooth functioning. The tractor comes with 12 V 100 Ah and 12 V 40 A with 2.0 - 32.6 kmph forward and 3.5 - 22.9 kmph speeds. 



  • John Deere 5405 Brakes & Steering 



The tractor comes with oil-immersed disc brakes that protect the farmers from accidents and slippage. Also, it has power steering, which provides smooth handling. 


  • John Deere 5405 Lifting Capacity 


The tractor has a 2000 Kgf lifting capacity to lift heavy loads and farming implements. 



  • John Deere 5405 Price 


John Deere 5405 tractor price is Rs. 8.80-9.30 Lakh*, which is fixed according to the farmers budget. 

For detailed information about John Deere 5405 tractor, visit Tractor Junction. 

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