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Amazing Health Benefits Of Avocado

Avocado Monthly
Amazing Health Benefits Of Avocado
Avocado is the fruit of the avocado tree, also known as persea americana. It is appreciated for its high nutritional value and can be added to various dishes due to its good taste and rich consistency. The only fruit that contains significant amounts of healthy monounsaturated fat (MUFA) is also known as Alligator, Pear or Butter Fruit or versatile Avocado.

Organic Avocados are nutrient-rich and provide a significant amount of the daily requirements for vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients to with fewer calories than many other foods. Avocados are a nutrient-rich food that contains over 20 vitamins and minerals. It is estimated that an avocado with 240 calories provides 20 nutrients from the main food groups protein, carbohydrates and fat.

It is well known that polyunsaturated fats, which replace saturated fats such as bovine tallow, lard and butter, can lower the total cholesterol level in the diet. Moderate intake of unsaturated fatty acids can also help with appetite control and weight loss. A serving of avocado provides about 10 percent of the recommended daily dose of folic acid. The fiber and fat content of avocado is said to reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
A 2013 study found that consuming avocado was associated with a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome includes conditions such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, abnormal cholesterol levels and excess body fat, all of which work together to increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. There are many other health benefits that prove that avocado is the perfect food for weight loss.

Enjoying and buying organic avocados with meals can help your body absorb more antioxidants than other healthy foods. In a study conducted in Ohio State, men and women who ate a salad with salsa and 25 tablespoons of avocado consumed eight times more beta-carotene and 13 times more beta-carotene, phytonutrients known to fight cancer and heart disease. A recent study found that combining avocado with tomato sauce and carrots increases the absorption of vegetable vitamin A, an important nutrient needed for healthy skin, vision and immunity.

Quality Avocados are full of healthy, soothing fats that help to stay full and satiated. Avocados contain nutrients that reduce the risk of becoming overweight or obese. They are a great source of the vitamins C, E, K, B-6, riboflavine, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, magnesium and potassium.   

Indeed, a 2013 study found that obese adults who added fresh avocados to their lunches were less likely to feel hungry after eating. A 2017 study found improvements in cognition and vision in those who consumed at least one avocado a day. Another study from 2013 showed an overall better quality of diet when avocado was consumed than when it was not consumed.

In addition to the health benefits of avocados, many are also provided with good fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytosterols. In addition to healthy fats and fiber, avocado is packed with other treats the body needs.

Eating avocados can help boost heart health, improve digestion, improve liver health and help with weight management. Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fat and fiber, and 9 grams of a medium avocado contain potassium, which is associated with cardiovascular health. They also help to keep the eyes healthy, as they have a high lutein content which protects the skin from signs of ageing.

For more details visit: https://avocadomonthly.com/
Avocado Monthly
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