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BrahmaTal Trek — A Beautiful hike in the Garhwal Himalaya

Roshan Sharma
BrahmaTal Trek — A Beautiful hike in the Garhwal Himalaya

BrahmaTal trek begins from a small path which goes uphill from Bisht/Danu General Store in the market space of Lohajung. BrahmaTal is by and large projected as a 5/multi day climb by numerous business climbing organizations (Like Indiahikes, TrekTheHimalayas and so forth) attempting to mint cash and in the process profoundly influencing the ecosystem of this delicate region. Dissimilar to Roopkund which is essential for the Nanda Devi Biosphere (Conservation region), there is no such security for BrahmaTal and subsequently be more mindful and dependable when climbing around here.

For more details:-https://raftaaradventure.in/brahmatal-trek/

Roshan Sharma
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