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How To Choose The Best Hospital Bed Mattress?

Icare Medical Group New Zealand

What to Consider When Choosing a Hospital Mattress

If you're looking for a hospital mattress for a patient, there are three major elements to consider. These factors include the person's condition, budget, and the mattress's size. There are many varieties of home care beds and mattresses available, as well as user reviews that may help you decide which mattress to purchase.

Pressure Care Mattress With Alternating Relief

An alternating pressure care mattress is necessary if the patient already has an ulcer or bedsores. The architecture of this type of care mattress allows the patient to deflate or inflate the air holes within the mattress. The sets of air cells promote air circulation by altering the pressure points.
When you get bed sores from lying in bed for long periods, you need good air circulation. Airflow in the mattress is also important for preventing sweat, which can harm the skin over time in those who spend a lot of time in bed.


Icare Medical Group New Zealand
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