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Nykaa IPO - Yay or Nay?

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Nykaa IPO - Yay or Nay?

Should you invest in Nykaa IPO?

Nykaa is the brainchild of Falguni Nayar, who has received wide appreciation for launching the IPO of the country's first woman-led unicorn. Founded in 2012, the startup now offers over 2,500 brands in a host of product categories like beauty, wellness, accessories, apparel etc.

Nykaa turned profitable in 2019 making it a rarity among Indian startups which have struggled to generate profits despite their unicorn valuations.

What led to this success? Was it the early entry, expansion, omnichannel strategy, inventory model or competitive pricing that makes it a market leader in the fashion and BPC industry today?

Click on the link below to know more.


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