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What Are The Different Types of Bail Bonds?

Bail Bonds Redding
What Are The Different Types of Bail Bonds?

What Are The Different Types of Bail Bonds?

Bail is a kind of security amount charged by the court to make the defendant obliged to appear in the whole criminal justice process. This amount is charged to minimize the flight risk of the defendant. The bail can be refunded if the judiciary process has been followed honestly. But there is also the chance for forfeiture if the defendant has disobeyed any essential step.

Here defendants opt for the Holly Bail Bonds to make the process smoother. But bail bonds also consist of several types. Here we have mentioned the three major types of bail bonds, have a look below.

Types Of Redding Bail Bonds

There are three common types of Redding bail bonds.

1. Surety bonds - this type of bond is handled by the bail bondsmen who work as a guarantor of the defendant to the court. Here the bail bondsman is responsible for making the defendant appear on the trial dates, if he fails in doing so, then he is obliged to pay the determined bail amount to the court. Bail bond agencies take some percentage of the bail amount from the defendant as their fee. They also take some form of collateral from the defendant to be safe in the situation when they fail in the commitment of making their defendant appear in court.

2. Personal bonds - personal bonds are usually for civil cases when the freedom of the defendant has been considered as no risk to others, and when there is also a low flight risk. On a personal bond, the defendant doesn't have to pay a heavy bail amount to get released from jail. Just a minimum amount and a commitment to appear in the further court dates are required.

3. Property bond - In a property bond, the court legally considers the defendant’s property as a bail bond. If the defendant fails to appear in the court proceedings, then the court takes possession of his property.

Holly Bail Bonds offers professional bail bonds services in Redding. We work on minimizing all kinds of risks to the defendant. We have the adequate intelligence that is required to get the defendant out of the jail with a quick and smooth process.

Do connect with Holly Bail Bonds in Redding if you are searching for the most reliable and quick solution to your problem.

Bail Bonds Redding
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