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A Guide To Hackathons For Programmers


A Guide TAre you worried about your first hackathon? But, you won’t be! As, it’s a fun event where you got to meet like-minded people with similar passions as yours. Hackathon program may sounds pretty intimidating at first, but you don’t have to be a pro for it!

So, are you ready for how to start a hackathon to make a new software or improve the existing one with a team to avoid any mishap? If yes, then let’s go through this guide on how Hackathons will prove beneficial for you and your program!

What Should You Do At A Hackathon?

Hackathons are very much a social event. When you will reach hackathon, you will be greeted by a bunch of friendly students. There will be volunteers who will be more than happy to answer any question. After that you will be shuffled into an auditorium, where organizers will come and tell you about the event and what is planned for the weekend.

Then, you'll get to hear from the sponsors. Then hacking begins, you will team up with some other students for making something cool by using any technology you want. Hackathon is not about winning prizes so, don’t be shy in showing your hacks, it is all about playing with the technology and learning something new.

Then people show their hacks to one another, then closing ceremony is announced and the prizes are distributed. Moreover, you'll be invited to come again

Why Should You Go To A Hackathon?

The three prime reasons of why you should go to a Hackathon program, are:


Hackathons are super-condensed learning experience. Moreover, people say it all the time that you will learn more practical knowledge in one hackathon, than you will learn in a whole month of lectures. From hackathon you will learn about idea generation, working with others, how to debug, how to present work on stage and much more. In addition to this, you will get many tips and tricks from others during working with them.

Meeting People

Hackathon is an innovative place where you will be going to meet new people. You will have the chance to make friends having same passion as yours, if you are into tech. I know many people who are friends or business partners because they worked together at hackathon. In short, it's an awesome platform to show your ideas, build connections, and learn from others.

Almost No Expenses

Hackathons have almost no expenses, food, drinks, snacks and all the things are free for weekend. You don’t have to pay for accommodation. Some even organize transport. However, if you have to travel a bit then it's definitely worth the investment. It may possible that you get some free t-shirts, stickers or prizes.

 Final Words Hackathon is a coding event that bring programmers together, where they learn bunch of new practical things. So, if you are into programming, hackathon event is a must. If you are interested to know a lot more regarding hackathon then this website on how to start a Hackathon, is all you need!

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