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John Deere 5310 - New Model Tractor With Effective Features

saanu rasia



The John Deere 5310 tractor is the most versatile tractor model, which is best for Indian farmers and business owners as well. The performance of this tractor is very admired so that it has a valuable place in the Indian market of tractors. This tractor is powerful, reliable so that it has easily handled all the farming operations. The engine of this tractor is manufactured with highly advanced mobility solutions that's why it delivers excellent working efficiency and high fuel mileage. 

Moreover, the John Deere 5310 tractor appears with all the advanced features, so you can easily buy it without any doubt. This tractor price is very reasonable in the Indian tractor market. That’s why this tractor easily fits the farmer's budget. 

Why Farmers Choose John Deere 5310 Tractor

The John Deere 5310 tractor comes with many advanced features which are:

  • This tractor has 55 HP engine power and comes with a 3 cylinder engine that provides better fuel efficiency.
  • It has a collar shift transmission with a wet clutch that ensures better performance on the field.
  • The engine of this tractor can easily generate a highly 2400 engine-rated RPM.
  • It has a coolant-cooled overflow reservoir and dry type, a dual-element air filter that prevents the overheating of the engine. 
  • Along with this, it has superb PTO power, which is quite adequate for powering almost all farm implements.
  • The John Deere 5310 tractor price range is between Rs. 7.89 Lakhs* - Rs. 8.50 Lakhs*.

We hope this information is helpful for you. However, if you want to know more about tractors, please visit Tractorguru.com. Here you can also get information about the old tractors, mini tractors, new tractors, upcoming tractors specifications, and price. 


saanu rasia
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