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Farmtrac 6055 - New Model Tractor Price In India

saanu rasia

Farmtrac 6055 Tractor Model is the most popular tractor model, which is famous among all Indian farmers and business owners. This tractor has a respected fan base in the Indian market of tractors due to its excellent performance and economic benefits. The engine of this tractor is highly advanced, which generates efficient torque and provides long field life. The performance of this tractor is excellent; This is the reason why it has remarkable value in the Indian vehicle market. Farmtrac 6055 tractor is reliable, robust, and powerful, which offers high yield and profitable agriculture business.

Farmtrac Tractor Company constantly upgrades its models and focuses on the level of comfort so that the tractor operator can drive it smoothly and feel safe. With the help of the latest technology, this tractor comes with many advanced features that offer high reliability and durability. Moreover, Farmtrac 6055 tractor price is pocket friendly which is beneficial for low-budget farmers.

Key Features of Farmtrac 6055 Tractor

  • This tractor is powered by 60 HP engine power and 4 cylinder engine, which easily handles agriculture-related tasks.
  • It has 16 Forward + 4 Reverse gearboxes and oil-immersed brakes, preventing slippage and saving operators from accidents.
  • The engine of this tractor can generate 2200 engine-rated RPM very quickly.
  • It has Content Mesh (T20) type independent clutch and power steering, which provides a smooth and fast response in the field.
  • Moreover, Farmtrac 6055 is a 2WD Tractor, and this tractor has a large 7.5 x 16 Front tires and 6.9 x 28 Rear Tyres.
  • Farmtrac 6055 tractor price range is between Rs. 7.89 Lakhs*- Rs. 8.35 Lakhs*.

We hope this information fulfills your needs. However, if you want more about Used Tractors, Upcoming Tractors, Mini Tractors, Latest Tractors price, and specifications, please visit Tractorguru.com.


saanu rasia
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