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Want to know more about IRS tax audit

Want to know more about IRS tax audit

Hiring an expert for IRS audit representation will be a prime decision. A reliable professional will help you overcome the IRS tax audit process. At Kreig Mitchell LLC, our Enrolled agents have the right and are qualified to deal with the IRS directly on your behalf. Enrolled Agents are among the few tax professionals that have the right to represent you during an IRS tax audit. We can assist you plan and skillfully represent you during an audit and ensure the ideal outcome for you and your business. We represent our clients prior to IRS to save you time better spent building your business. We gather all the required documents for IRS audit and meet the IRS audit agent directly as your representative. Our IRS tax audit representation can help in resolving the audit and getting back to business as usual. Contact us now or schedule a consultation with our team.

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